Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
2 d. 1873 Jurgis Baltrušaitis was born. Lithuanian poet, essayist, translator, diplomat. One of the most famous symbolists of Lithuanian and Russian poets.
3 d. 1791 the Constitution of the Republic of the Two Nations was adopted. The May 3 Constitution was the first written constitution in Europe and the second in the world (the first was the U.S. constitution of 1787).3 d. 1871 Vincas Čepinskis was born. Lithuanian physicist, pioneer of physics and physical chemistry in Lithuania, professor. Together with Mykolas Biržiška, he was responsible for the restoration of Vilnius University. He supported the idea of transforming Higher Courses in Kaunas into the University of Lithuania, was one of the founders of the Faculty of Mathematics and Nature, a member of the Constituent Seimas and the First Seimas, a good orator and a defender of democracy.
5 d. 1879 Jurgis Šaulys was born. Lithuanian state and public figure, diplomat. One of the founders of the Lithuanian Democratic Party. Organizers of the Lithuanian Conference, Member of the Council of Lithuania, Signatory of the February 16 Act. Represented Lithuania in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Vatican, Poland.
5 d. 1908 Vytautas Bulvičius was born. A Lithuanian military officer, major of the General Staff, and leader of the anti-Soviet Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF). He created the so-called "Bulvičius group", which in 1941 evolved into the Vilnius branch of the Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF)
6 d. 1761 Stanislaw Boniface Jundzil was born. Lithuanian naturalist. He reorganized and expanded the Botanical Garden of Vilnius University, popularizing it in Europe by exchanging plants with 15 cities.
6 d. 1922 Jonas Mikelinskas was born. Lithuanian writer, prose writer. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (2002), Juozas Tumas ‑ Vaižgantas Prize (2007).
7 d. 1904 the ban on the Lithuanian press was lifted. 1864–1904 The Russian imperial authorities imposed a ban on printing, importing and distributing Lithuanian publications in Latin letters. Lithuania is celebrating Press Recovery, Language and Book Day.
7 d. 1937 At the European Men's Basketball Championship in Riga, the Lithuanian national team became the European Champion.
7 d. 1947 Stanislovas Kuzma was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian sculptors. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1996).
8 d. 1930 Vytautas Laurušas was born. Lithuanian composer, pedagogue, public figure. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (2005).
12 d. 1670 August II was born. King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. Named Strong for great physical strength. During his rule, due to wars, noble battles, famine and plague, the Lithuanian population decreased by a third, the economy declined, the GDL's military power and political influence decreased, and the system of government collapsed. The political life of the Republic of the Two Nations became increasingly under control from Russia, Prussia, and later Austria.
12 d. 1919 Augustinas Savickas was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian artists, art critic. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1999).
13 d. 1904 Kazimieras Baršauskas was born. Lithuanian physicist, one of the founders and first rector of Kaunas Polytechnic Institute. Took care of the training of Lithuanian engineers, the development of Lithuanian technical intelligence; cared for the children of deportees and other repressed.
13 d. 1930 Vytautas Edmundas Čekanauskas was born. Architect, Academician Professor at the International Academy of Architecture (1987). In Vilnius he designed the Composers' Union Palace (1966), the Contemporary Art Center (1967 with others), Lazdynai district (1967-1974 with others), St. John Bosco Church (2001 with V. Gerliak).
14 d. 1928 Algirdas Šocikas was born. Lithuanian boxer, coach, judge. 1953, 1955 European Boxing Champion. He was characterized by perfect technique, unique style, correct behavior in the ring.
14 d. 1972 19-year-old Romas Kalanta burned down in Kaunas, in the garden of the Musical Theater, in protest against the occupation of the USSR.
15 d. 1845 Jonas Čerskis was born. Geologist and paleontologist. For participation in 1863. in the uprising was recruited and sent to Omsk. The first Lithuanians to explore the caves. It is named after the highest mountain in northeastern Siberia, a ridge in Užbaikal, 3 mountains near Baikal and the city on the shore of Kolyma, a glass-winged butterfly, a fossil fish.
15 d. 1872 Marija Ivanauskaitė-Lastauskienė, one of the sisters under the pseudonym Lazdynų Pelėda, was born in The works of the sisters are an example of the noble culture and themes of the manor in Lithuanian literature.
15 d. 1920 The Constituent Seimas convened for the first sitting at Kaunas Theater. 112 representatives were elected to it, 105 were present at the sitting. After welcoming the participants, President Antanas Smetona announced that the first sitting would be chaired by the Chief Member of the Seimas, writer Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė. The chief member of the Seimas was Simonas Rozenbaum, a representative of the Jewish faction, but he did not speak Lithuanian well. Alexander Stulginski, a member of the Christian Democratic Party, was elected Speaker of the Seimas. The Seimas unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring Lithuania a democratic republic. In total, the Seimas met for 29 months and passed more than 300 laws. After the Seimas convened, the Council of Lithuania terminated its activities. Until 1926. May 15 was a public holiday in Lithuania.16 d. 1886 Stasys Šalkauskis was born. Lithuanian philosopher, pedagogue. One of the most famous Lithuanian philosophers of the 20th century. Compiled the first Lithuanian dictionary of philosophical terms. According to him, there are three stages of life - nature, culture and religion, art will have to strive for perfection, the artist - uniqueness.
16 d. 1922 Jonas Avyžius was born. Lithuanian writer. Author of the novel „Sodybų tuštėjimo metas“ (The Time of the Emptying of Homesteads, Part 4, 1970–1989).
17 d. 1880 Mykolas Romeris was born. Lawyer, pioneer of Lithuanian constitutional law. He was a Lithuanian national judge at the Hague Tribunal for the interpretation of the Klaipėda Region Statute, and later for resolving the Lithuanian-Estonian dispute over the settlement of the Panevėžys-Saldutiškis railway, both cases were won. The university in Vilnius is named after him.
17 d. 1928 Viktoras Petkus was born. Lithuanian political activist and dissident, political prisoner, a founding member of the Lithuanian Helsinki Group. He was imprisoned for almost 20 years for anti-Soviet activities in a prison and exile camp.
18 d. 1848 Kazimieras Jaunius was born. Theologian, Lithuanian language researcher. Systematized Lithuanian dialects, presented their classification (called K. Jaunius and A. Salio), 1891–1898. prepared descriptions of 6 dialects (Ukmergė, Kaunas, Raseiniai, Zarasai, Šiauliai, Panevėžys), 1885–1892. wrote "Grammar of the Lithuanian Language".
19 d. 1951 Vytautas Kernagis was born. Author and performer of Lithuanian songs, actor, director and conference of entertainment events, TV presenter. Pioneer of Lithuanian singing poetry. Lithuanian National Prize (2007).
22-23 d. 1948 The Soviets carried out a mass deportation operation on the Lithuanian population, Vesna (Spring), during which 40,002 people were deported. The operation was carried out by about 30 thousand. Employees of the Ministries of the Interior and Homeland Security, officers, soldiers, militiamen and stribes, and about 11,500 Soviet activists. In the plans of the occupiers, 48 thousand were deported. people selected by security guards and collaborators were deported without gathering listed families. Throughout 1948. 43,940 people were deported from Lithuania.
23 d. 1914 Petras Baublys was born. Pediatrician. He was a very popular pediatrician. Righteous Among the Nations of the World (1977). During the war, while working as the director of Kaunas Orphanage, he rescued the children of Nazi persecuted families.
25 d. 1908 Zenonas Ivinskis was born. Lithuanian historian. Member of the Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Sciences and the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Rome, 1978 His work “History of Lithuania: Before the Death of Vytautas the Great” until the 20th century was published in At the end of the 1430s it was the most mature general in the history of Lithuania. shop.
28 d. 1939 The third European men's basketball championship ended in Kaunas, in which the Lithuania team became the European champion for the second time, winning all the matches. About 11,000 spectators watched the match in Kaunas Sports Hall, the competition was broadcast by the State Radio.
28 d. 1877 Oskaras Milašius was born. Lithuanian poet, written in French, diplomat, mystic. Life and work are related to the 1914 December 14 his vision - the night of fire. He studied the Bible all his life, was a strong Catholic, interested in Theosophy.
29 d. 1955 Alvydas Matulka was born. One of the defenders of Lithuanian freedom, 1991 January Thirteen USSR aggression victim.
30 d. 1826 Zigmantas Sierakauskas was born. One of the commanders of the 1863–1864 uprising. Originating from poor nobles.
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
1 d. 1929 Stasys Krasauskas was born. Lithuanian artist, graphic artist, book illustrator, swimmer and aqueductor.
2 d. 1865 Rokas Šliūpas was born. Doctor and public figure. He founded the Lithuanian Red Cross with others, led it, and contributed a lot to the expansion of Birštonas resort. On his initiative, the Kaunas Red Cross Hospital was reconstructed, Klaipėda Red Cross Hospital and the Red Cross Sanatorium in Aukštoji Panemunė were built.
3 d. 1899 Antanas Samuolis was born. Lithuanian painter, one of the most talented in the 20th century. representatives of the younger generation of the 1930s.
3 d. 1988 A group of Lithuanian intellectuals and cultural figures, taking advantage of the slogans of democracy, publicity, freedom of thought and economic independence, formed an initiative group of 35 people of the Lithuanian Restructuring Movement in the hall of the Academy of Sciences in Vilnius. The Lithuanian political movement Lithuanian Sąjūdis originated from it.
4 d. 1845 Julija Beniuševičiūtė-Žymantienė (Žemaitė) was born. Lithuanian writer, democrat and educator. One of the most famous Lithuanian women writers.
5 d. 1880 Marija Šlapelienė was born. A figure in society and culture. She played the main role in Mikas Petrauskas' first Lithuanian opera Birutė, established and managed the Šlapeliai Lithuanian Bookstore in Vilnius with her husband Jurgis Šlapelis.
5 d. 1921 Vytautas Mačernis was born. Lithuanian poet neo-romantic. His only completed work is the cycle of poems „Vizijos“("Visions") - descriptions of ecstasy and visions. In it, the homeland and the native home are perceived as the most important spiritual support of man, the value of which is understood only after leaving the homeland.
7 d. 1935 Almantas Grikevičius was born. Lithuanian film director, screenwriter. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (2009). The most important feature films: „Jausmai“ (“Feelings” 1968, with director A.Dausa), “Sadūto ‑ tūto” (1974), „Sodybų tuštėjimo metas“ (“The Homestead Empty Time” 2 series in 1976, according to J.Avyžiai), etc.
8 d. 1936 Juozas Aputis was born. Lithuanian writer. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (2005). Substantially modernizing the Lithuanian short story and short story, it contributed to the revival and flourishing of these genres.
9 d. 1595 Vladislav Vasa was born. King of Poland of the Vasa Dynasty and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1632–1648)
13 d. 1893 Juozas Dalinkevičius was born. Lithuanian geologist. Pioneer of detailed Lithuanian geological research. Created the basics of Lithuanian geological mapping science, compiled 11 Lithuanian geological maps. 1993 the J. Dalinkevičius Prize was established.
13 d. 1935 Ugnė Karvelis was born. Lithuanian public figure, diplomat, literary critic, translator. On her initiative, Vilnius Old Town and the Curonian Spit have been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
13 d. 1964 Šarūnas Marčiulionis was born. One of the best Lithuanian basketball players of all time. 1988 Olympic Champion, 1992 and 1996 bronze medalist at the olympics. The first Lithuanian basketball player became to play in the NBA league (1989–1997). 2014 included into the NBA Basketball Hall of Fame, 2015 to the FIBA Hall of Fame. 1999 founded the Northern European Basketball League (NEBL), which ran until 2003, was its commissioner. 1993 the Lithuanian Basketball League was established on his initiative. was its president.
14 d. 1888 Jokūbas Šernas was born. Lithuanian state and public figure. Lawyer. A figure in the Lithuanian Society for the Relief of War Victims. One of the organizers of the Lithuanian Conference (1917), member of the Council of Lithuania, signatory of the February 16 Act.
14 d. Day of Mourning and Hope. 1941 The first mass deportation of the Lithuanian population began in. The deportation, which lasted for four days, was carried out by employees of the USSR People's Commissariat for State Security and the NKVD, militiamen, and assisted by local communists and so-called Soviet activists. About 17,600 people were deported to Komi, Altai and Krasnoyarsk Krai, Novosibirsk Oblast and Kazakhstan: many officers and intellectuals of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, including about 1,200 teachers and 79 priests. There were 5,120 children in exile, many of whom died of starvation and cold the first winter. 1941 The deportations of the population in 1944 partly determined the self-determination of some Lithuanians in 1944. retreat to the West.
15 d. 1940 In violation of international agreements, the Soviet Union occupied the Republic of Lithuania. 3 p.m. 15 divisions of the Soviet Union entered Lithuania - about 150 thousand. soldiers. In the evening in Naujoji Vilnia, the former USSR military crew occupied Vilnius, Alytus, Prienai and Gaižiūnai crews - Kaunas. Lithuania was occupied without resistance. It was very important for the Soviets to show the world that this is not an occupation, but that the Lithuanian nation is a voluntary member of the Soviet "family".
16 d. 1819 Antanas Juška was born. Lithuanian priest, folklorist, lexicographer.
16 d. 1908 Adolfas Damušis was born. Lithuanian chemist, inventor, scientist, activist in the resistance to the Soviet and Nazi occupation regimes. In 1941 One of the organizers and leaders of the “June Uprising”. Minister of Industry of the Lithuanian Provisional Government. One of the organizer of the Central Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania.
19 d. 1867 Česlovas Sasnauskas was born. Composer and conductor, one of the pioneers of Lithuanian professional music, author of the song "Kur bega Šešupė".
19 d. 1904 Balys Dvarionas was born. Composer, conductor and pianist. He was the chief conductor of Kaunas Radio Orchestra, Vilnius City Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. Chief conductor of all Lithuanian song festivals.20 d. 1566 Zigmantas Vaza was born. King of Poland (1587–1632) and Grand Duke of Lithuania (1588–1632), King of Sweden from 1594. until it was overthrown in 1599.
22 d. 1873 Teofilius Matulionis was born. Archbishop, 2017 declared a blessing. He defended the rights of the Church and the faithful, took an active part in the activities of the resistance to the Soviet occupation regime, protested in writing against the arrests of priests, demanded permission to teach religion in schools, and was strict on the discipline of priests. He was repeatedly interrogated and imprisoned by the Soviet occupation authorities.
22 d. 1941 Linas Leonas Katinas was born. Lithuanian artist, 1992–2008. taught at the Vilnius Academy of Arts; Professor (2008). Laureate of the National Prize (1999). Created paintings, drawings, watercolors, installations.
23 d. 1906 Antanas Vaičiulaitis was born. Lithuanian writer, literary critic and translator. The most famous work is the psychological novel Valentina (1936). 1994 The A.Vaičiulaitis Literary Prize was established every two years for the best Lithuanian short story.
25 d. 1886 Jonas Vailokaitis was born. Lithuanian state and public figure. Financier, industrialist. Elected to the Lithuanian Conference (1917) as a member of the Council of Lithuania, signatory of the February 16 Act. Ūkio bankas, Lietūkis, one of the founders of the Lithuanian Activists Front.
26 d. 1828 Antanas Mackevičius was born. 1863–1864 commander of the uprising, priest. The first to start an uprising in Kaunas province on March 8. He read the rebel manifesto in the church of Paberžė and went to the forests of Krekenava with a platoon of 250 fighters. The majority of his unit was made up of peasant scoundrels, the platoon was manoeuvrable, kept in touch with other platoons, and was supported by local peasants, resulting in a quick recovery after defeats. The Russian authorities linked the suppression of the uprising to the arrest of A.Mackevičius. By a court-martial in 1863. hung in Kaunas.
27 d. 1937 Gražina Balandytė was born. Lithuanian actress. She has created more than 80 roles in theater and about 20 roles in cinema.
28 d. 1875 Povilas Višinskis was born. Lithuanian public and cultural figure, literary critic and publicist, active participant in the national movement.
29 d. 1886 Justinas Vienožinskis was born. Lithuanian artist painter, art critic.
30 d. 1911 Česlovas Milošas was born. Polish and Lithuanian writer, poet. Nobel Laureate in Literature (1980).
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
1 d. 1569 An agreement was concluded in the Polish city of Lublin, by which the Grand Duchy of Lithuania merged with the Kingdom of Poland into the federal Republic of Poland and Lithuania. called the Republic of the Two Nations. The union gave them a chance to win the Livonian War. The state was officially divided into the so-called Crown (Poland) and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Lithuania has retained its name, coat of arms, territory, governing apparatus, treasury, laws, courts, army, and seal. Representatives of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania discussed the issues of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and drafted laws at their separate meetings. The money of both countries was not equalized either. The political life of the Republic of the Two Nations was largely led by Polish gentlemen, and the word of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on foreign policy issues was much less important. The union fundamentally changed the relations of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with Poland, but over time the statehood of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania began to weaken, the penetration of the Polish language and culture, and the bending of the nobility and townspeople intensified. Contrary to such tendencies, part of the Grand Duchy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania failed to unite the two countries, and in 1588 the defense of the independence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was of great importance. the Third Statute of Lithuania was adopted.
6 d. 1253 Mindaugas was crowned King of Lithuania. Lithuania celebrates State Day. A cathedral was built for this event, presumably on the site of the present Archcathedral. Mindaugas was crowned by the Bishop of Kulm. On the coronation day of Mindaugas in 1988. calculated by Professor Edvardas Gudavičius. It was previously known that this happened in 1253. in July. It is known that in the Middle Ages kings were crowned only on Sundays. After calculating how long the trip from Lithuania to Italy could have taken - a document signed on the day of the coronation was transported there - July 6 was chosen as the most probable one.
6 d. 1928 Janina Degutytė was born. Lithuanian poet, author of poems for children.
7 d. 1904 Jonas Aistis-Aleksandravičius was born. Lithuanian lyricist, essayist.
11 d. 1890 Petras Vaičiūnas was born. Writer, theater actor. During the interwar period, he was the most popular author of the Lithuanian repertoire, writing plays, mostly comedies and melodramas, for the State Theater. Of the 20 plays he created, 16 were performed in the theater, one of the most popular being „Patriotai“ (The Patriots). His poem „Mes be Vilniaus nenurimsim“ ("We will not calm down without Vilnius") became the second national anthem.
11 d. 1940 The first arrests of the Lithuanian population began in. On the eve of the elections to the LSSR People's Seimas, on the night of July 11-12, according to the plan prepared by the Department of State Security, the first mass arrests of Lithuanian state and public figures were carried out to remove political forces that could affect voters and election results. July 10-17 more than 500 Lithuanian political and public figures and civil servants were arrested in 2006. The arrest and deportation of A. Merkis and J. Urbšis from Lithuania on 16 July. sanctioned by J. Paleckis himself.
13 d. 1260 In the Curonian land near Lake Durbe in the Liepaja district of present-day Latvia, the Samogitians defeated the Crusaders and swordsmen. The Battle of Durbe is the greatest victory of Samogitians and Lithuanians during the wars with the German Order. He thwarted the Order's attempt to quickly occupy Samogitia and temporarily suspended his invasion to the east, which allowed the Lithuanian state to strengthen. Mindaugas broke the peace with the swordsmen and started fighting with the German knights again.
13 d. 1935 Zigmas Jukna was born. Lithuanian rower, rowing judge. 1960 Olympic silver and the 1968 bronze medalist. 1961, 1965, 1967 European champion and 1963, 1964, 1969. vice-champion, 1962, 1966 world vice champion.
15 d. In 1410 the Battle of Grunwald(Žalgiris) took place. On the estates of the German Order, near the villages of Grunwald and Tanenberg, southeast of Marienburg, one of the largest battles in medieval Europe took place, in which the armies of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland fought against the German Order. The nominal commander-in-chief of the United Army was King Jogaila of Poland. Ulrich von Jungingen, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the German Order, did not understand the tactics of Vytautas and Jogaila and allowed himself to be provoked - he ordered the first to attack the GDL army. Using the withdrawal maneuver taken from the Tartars, Vytautas dispersed the German regiments and dismantled their lineup. The order was completely defeated, U. von Jungingen (about 50 years old) with prominent commanders and several hundred knights were killed, and many Germans were taken prisoner. Grunvaldas' Lithuanian name "Žaliagiris" is believed to have been used first by Petras Vileišis, and the form "Žalgiris" in 1891. suggested by Maironis.
15 d. 1866 Saliamonas Banaitis was born. Lithuanian public figure. 1905 He established the first Lithuanian printing house in Kaunas. Elected a member of the Council of Lithuania at the Lithuanian Conference (1917); February 16 Signatory of the Act. Participated in the creation of the Lithuanian Armed Forces.
15 d. 1919 Alfonsas Nyka-Niliūnas was born. Lithuanian poet, winner of the National Prize, one of the most famous diaspora writers, belonging to the generation of peasants.
15 d. On 1933, Steponas Darius and Stasys Girėnas attempted a nonstop flight from New York City, United States to Kaunas, Lithuania – a total of 7,186 kilometres (4,465 mi), in a Bellanca CH-300 Pacemaker airplane named Lituanica. After successfully crossing the Atlantic Ocean in 37 hours and 11 minutes, they crashed on July 17, at 0:36 am (Berlin Time), by the village of Kuhdamm, near Soldin, Germany (now Pszczelnik, near the Myślibórz area, Poland).
16 d. 1890 Juozas Karosas was born. Composer, organist, conductor. He was the conductor of Kaunas Radio Orchestra, conducted Klaipėda and Šiauliai Music Schools. He was the chief conductor of several republican song festivals.
17 d. 1913 Bronius Laurinavičius was born. A Lithuanian priest, member of the Lithuanian Helsinki Group. Martyr (2000). He was an active collaborator of the Chronicle of the Lithuanian Catholic Church and was constantly persecuted by the KGB. 1981 died during a traffic accident in Vilnius under unclear circumstances. 2010 A monument was erected at the site of Bronius Laurinavičius' death in Vilnius.
22 d. 1938 Ričardas Tamulis was born. Lithuanian boxer. 1964 vice-champion of the Olympic Games, 1961, 1963, 1965. European champion.
23 d. 1929 Kazys Lozoraitis was born. Diplomat. He worked in the editorial office of Vatican radio broadcasts for Lithuania, and was the first Lithuanian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Holy See and to the Order of Malta.
24 d. 1761 Jokūbas Jasinskis was born. Lithuanian engineer, poet, political figure, 1794. Commander of the Uprising in Lithuania, Lieutenant General of the Rebels.
24 d. 1934 Česlovas Kudaba was born. Lithuanian geographer, naturalist, political figure, signatory of the March 11 Act.
25 d. 1886 Konstantinas Glinskis was born. Lithuanian theater actor, director. One of the creators of the professional Lithuanian theater.
27 d. 1876 Kajetonas Sklėrius was born. Painter, painter, sculptor, pedagogue, pioneer of modern Lithuanian watercolor.
28 d. 1898 Marcelė Kubiliūtė was born. Lithuanian public figure. 1918–1925 worked in Lithuanian intelligence, 1925–1940. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 1941 an actor in the uprising.
29 d. 1904 Antanas Gudaitis was born. Painter. The main creative genres: portrait, still life, landscape.
30 d. 1904 Izidorius Kisinas was born. Lithuanian librarian, bibliographer. He had a personal library of 10,000 volumes and a collection of 2,000 ex-libris (after his death, his wife V. Kisinienė transferred the collection to the Vilnius University Library).
31 d. 1802 Ignas Domeika was born. Lithuanian mineralogist, geologist, ethnographer, rector of the University of Chile. Participated in 1831. in the uprising, then emigrated to France and later to Chile. More than 110 different objects are named after Domeika: Andean mountain ridge, glacier, asteroid, mineral (domeikit), several mountains, settlements, animal and plant families and species, institutions, public organizations.
31 d. 1991 The Medininkai tragedy and the death of the officials of the Republic of Lithuania took place in 1991 Seven Lithuanian police officers and customs officers were killed at the Medininkai customs post during the service. The crime was committed by the soldiers of the Riga special-purpose militia team under the USSR Ministry of the Interior.
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
1 d. 1520 Sigismund Augustus was born. The King of Poland (1548–1572) and the Grand Duke of Lithuania (1544–1572). Son of Sigismund the Elder, during whose rule Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania merged to form a confederation, the Republic of the Two Nations. During the reign of Sigismund Augustus, the construction of the Palace of the Rulers in Vilnius was completed, and Vilnius became one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern and Central Europe. Sigismund Augustus died without a successor and was the last ruler of the Jagiellonian dynasty.
1 d. 1930 Jonas Kazlauskas was born. Lithuanian linguist, one of the most famous in the 20th century. Balts, habilitated doctor of humanities.
2 d. 1549 Mikalojus Kristupas Radvila Orphan was born. State and cultural figure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. From the Nesvizh branch of the Radvila family of dukes. The son of Mikalojus Radvila the Black. The orphan's nickname was given by the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund Augustus. Around 1590 and 1600. organized field mapping works of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. On the basis of them was formed in 1613. A map of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, called the Map of Radvila the Orphan, was published in Amsterdam.
2 d. 1924 Stasys Lozoraitis was born. Diplomat, public figure, expatriate activist in the US and Italy. 1993 was a candidate for President of the Republic of Lithuania.
4 d. 1873 Alfonsas Petrulis was born. Priest, public figure, politician. One of the founders of the Rytas Society. Member of the Council of Lithuania, signatory of the February 16 Act. Actor of the Nation Progress Party.
4 d. 1912 Juozas Pakalnis was born. Lithuanian composer, conductor, flutist virtuoso, pedagogue. Since 1990 J. Pakalnis young performers' competition with wind and percussion instruments is organized.
4 d. 1921 Juozas Lukša-Daumantas was born. One of the most prominent post-World War II leaders of the Lithuanian partisans, the anti-Soviet armed resistance
5 d. 1753 baptized Laurynas Stuoka-Gucevičius. Architect, the most famous creator of mature classicism in Lithuania. His work is equal to the best architecture of European mature classicism, has influenced the work of other Lithuanian and Polish architects of the classicism period. Designed some buildings of Verkiai manor homestead in Vilnius, reconstructed Vilnius City Hall. The most mature project is the reconstruction of Vilnius Cathedral and the belfry.
5 d. 1925 Jonas Švažas was born. Lithuanian painter. One of the most famous Lithuanian painters of the seventies and eighties. Initiator of the Vilnius Painting Triennial (organized since 1969).
5 d. 1928 Jonas Gricius was born. Lithuanian cinematographer. Lithuanian National Award (2013).
7 d. 1858 Martynas Jankus was born. Political and public figure of Lithuania Minor, publisher of the Lithuanian press, publicist.
7 d. 1859 Juozas Adomaitis-Šernas was born. Activist of the Lithuanian national movement. 1889 together with V.Kudirka organized the publication of the newspaper "Varpas", in 1889–1890. editor (until 1892 he wrote almost all the editorials).
8 d. 1882 Vladislovas Starevičius was born. Film director, painter, cameraman. Pioneer of spatial (puppet) animation. The beginning of Lithuanian animated cinema is considered to be the experimental puppet film “Battle of the Elkins” created by him in Kaunas in 1910. It is also believed to be the world’s first animated puppet film.
8 d. 1930 Arūnas Žebriūnas was born. Lithuanian film director. Government of the Republic of Lithuania Culture and Art Prize (2006). Lithuanian National Award (2011).
10 d. 1874 Antanas Smetona was born. President of the Republic of Lithuania. Signatory of the February 16 Act. Lawyer.
13 d. 1962 Leonidas Donskis was born. Lithuanian philosopher, essayist, pedagogue, public figure and politician.
14 d. 1385 Krėva union concluded. Lithuanian ruler Jogaila and Polish nobles in Krėva Castle signed an agreement on the dynastic union of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, according to which Grand Duke Jogaila, who married Queen Jadwy of Poland, was proclaimed King of Poland. Lithuania and Poland were not united - a separate army, separate legislative and judicial systems, separate treasuries and money supply, border and customs duties remained between the states. The treaty of the Krėva dynastic union was valid for 184 years - until 1569. the Union of Lublin was formed, which united the states into a confederate monarchy.
15 d. 1810 Laurynas Ivinskis was born. Poet, publicist, translator, publisher of the first Lithuanian calendar, folk educator.
15 d. 1915 Vytautas Kašuba was born. Lithuanian diaspora sculptor. 1937 won silver and gold medals for wood carvings at the World's Fair in Paris. A monument to the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas, built by him, was erected in the Cathedral Square in Vilnius. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1993).
17 d. 1629 Jonas Sobieskis was born. Polish nobleman and soldier, king of Poland and ruler of the Republic of the Two Nations (1674–1696). During his reign, there was a constant struggle against the Ottoman Empire, and the Republic of the Two Nations emerged for the last time as one of the great European states.
17 d. 1898 Algirdas Julius Graičiūnas was born. Lithuanian engineer, management specialist, mathematician, one of the pioneers of management science.
18 d. 1911 Feliksas Kriaučiūnas was born. US and Lithuanian basketball player and coach. He was the captain of the Lithuanian national team, which twice won the European Men's Basketball Championship (1937 and 1939).
20 d. 1913 Meilė Julija Lukšienė was born. Historian of Lithuanian literature and culture, educator. 1988 one of the first raised the need to reform Lithuanian education, initiated the development of its theoretical foundations. Contributed to the development of national school (1988) and Lithuanian education (1992) concepts.
20 d. 1920 Vincentas Sladkevičius was born. Lithuanian Cardinal (1988), participant in the anti-Soviet resistance. Archbishop (1989).
21 d. 1886 Povilas Lukšys was born. The first Lithuanian soldier to die during the War of Independence (1918–1920).
21 d. 1945 Anatolijus Šenderovas was born. Lithuanian composer. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1997).
22 d. 1886 Romanas Bytautas was born. Lithuanian philosopher, psychologist and publicist. He was one of the first professional philosophers in Lithuania. He combined materialism with idealism, clarified the issues of the essence and self-consciousness of the nation, the principles of the formation of the nation. Language was considered the most important feature of the nation.
23 d. 1939 the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact is signed. In Moscow, German Foreign Minister Joachim Ribbentrop and USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov signed a non-aggression pact between the two countries. According to the secret protocols of this treaty, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Eastern Poland and the Romanian part of Bessarabia came under the influence of the USSR. Lithuania and Western Poland came under German influence. 1939 On September 28, 2006, after the outbreak of World War II, Germany and the USSR signed a border and friendship agreement with secret protocols, according to which Lithuania was ceded to the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union. The agreements between Germany and the USSR the beginning of the occupation of Lithuania, repressions, the Sovietization of the country, the tragedy of the deportations of the Lithuanian people.23 d. 1989 The Lithuanian Sąjūdis, together with the Estonian and Latvian folk fronts, organized the Baltic Way. During the campaign, about 2 million residents of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia joined hands to form a living chain through the Baltic States, thus symbolically separating them from the Soviet Union and expressing a desire to be free.
24 d. 1882 Mykolas Biržiška was born. Lithuanian literary historian, signatory of the Act of Independence.
25 d. 1887 Kazys Šimonis was born. Lithuanian painte, graphic artist, poet.
31 d. 1993 the Russian army was withdrawn from Lithuania at 11 p.m. 46 min. the last military echelon of the Russian army passed the Kena railway station without stopping. Since 1995 this day is mentioned as Freedom Day.
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
1 d. 1873 Felicija Bortkevičienė was born. Public figure and politician, member of the Constituent Seimas. Together with others, she founded the Lithuanian Democratic Party, which was one of the most active women in Lithuania in the interwar period, the official editor of the daily Lietuvos Žinios.
2 d. 1862 Stanislovas Narutavičius was born. Lithuanian public figure, politician. Lawyer. Participant of the Great Vilnius Seimas (1905). One of the organizers of the Lithuanian Conference (1917), elected to the Council of Lithuania. February 16 Signatory of the Act.
2 d. 1909 Paulius Augius-Augustinavičius was born. Graphics. For the cycle of illustrations "Samogitian Weddings" according to M. Valančius' short story "Palangos Juzė" in 1937. won the Honorary Prize at the Paris World’s Fair.
3 d. 1907 Juozas Miltinis was born. Lithuanian theater actor, one of the most famous theater directors and teachers, founder of Panevėžys Drama Theater.
4 d. 1924 Justinas Lagunavičius was born. Lithuanian basketball player, coach, educator. 1952 Olympic vice-champion, 1947, 1951, 1953. European champion.
5 d. 1898 Stasys Lozoraitis was born. Lithuanian state figure, diplomat. 1934–1939 Minister of Foreign Affairs. On June 2, 1940, Minister of Foreign Affairs J. Urbšis was appointed the head of the diplomatic service of the rest of Lithuania abroad, if Lithuania lost its independence. He held this position until his death. Father of S. Lozoraitis (junior) and K. Lozoraitis.
6 d. 1888 Vladimir Dubeneckis was born. Lithuanian architect, scenographer and painter. One of the pioneers of modern architecture in Lithuania, a promoter of national style.
6 d. 1920 Paulius Širvys was born. Lithuanian poet.
6 d. 1929 Edvardas Gudavičius was born. Historian, one of the creators of Lithuanian modern historiography, winner of the National Prize (1998). Formulated a modern concept of the integrated history of civilizations, set the date of Mindaugas' coronation.
8 d. The Battle of Orsha was a battle fought on 8 September 1514, between the allied forces of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland, under the command of Hetman Konstanty Ostrogski; and the army of the Grand Duchy of Moscow under Konyushy Ivan Chelyadnin and Kniaz Mikhail Golitsin. The Battle of Orsha was part of a long series of Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars conducted by Muscovite rulers striving to gather all the former Kievan Rus' lands under their rule.
9 d. 1925 Adolfas Tautavičius was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian archaeologists. Excavated Vilnius Lower Castle, discovered St. St. Anne and St. The remains of Barbora's church protected the Kernavė Pajauta Valley from destruction.
10 d. 1916 Regina Kulikauskienė was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian archaeologists. Researched Lithuanian ethnogenesis, material 9th – 12th centuries. culture, mounds. Restored ancient Lithuanian clothes.
12 d. 1779 Kiprijonas Juozapas Nezabitauskis-Zabitis was born. Lithuanian priest, pioneer of Lithuanian political and philosophical poetry, translator, public figure.
12 d. 1904 Adolfas Jucys was born. Lithuanian physicist, creator of multielectron atom theory, pioneer of modern theoretical physics in Lithuania.
12 d. 1944 Arvydas Šliogeris was born. Lithuanian philosopher, public figure. One of the most famous modern Lithuanian thinkers. Examined the fate of Western philosophy and culture, the state of modern Western society. He contributed a lot to the development of modern Lithuanian philosophical terminology and to the education of Lithuanian philosophers.
13 d. 1896 Stasys Raštikis was born. Commander of the Lithuanian Armed Forces, General, Politician, Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Lithuania.
14 d. 1892 Steponas Kolupaila was born. Lithuanian surveyor, hydrologist, press officer, doctor of technical sciences, pioneer of Lithuanian river hydrology.
14 d. 2003 The Lithuanian men's basketball team became the European champion, defeating the Spanish team in the final in Stockholm.
15 d. 1907 Bronius Pundzius was born. Lithuanian sculptor monumentalist.
15 d. 1907 Lionginas Šepka was born. Lithuanian folk artist sculptor. One of the most famous Lithuanian worshipers. Development began in 1950, shocked by the death of a brother. He carved about 1,500 wooden sculptures.
18 d. 1897 Povilas Brazdžiūnas was born. Lithuanian physicist. One of the organizers of physics science in Lithuania.
20 d. 1752 Hieronimas Stroynowskis was born. Lithuanian lawyer, economist, religious figure. 1799–1806 Rector of Vilnius University. Pioneer of teaching economics at Vilnius University. One of the most famous physiocrats of the Republic of the Two Nations.20 d. 1869 Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas was born. Lithuanian writer, publicist, literary critic, activist of the Lithuanian national movement.
21 d. 1890 Matas Šalčius was born. Lithuanian journalist, public figure, traveler.
22 d. 1236 The Battle of Saule (Lithuanian: Saulės mūšis or Šiaulių mūšis) took place. During the first crusade to Lithuania, the swordsmen were defeated by Samogitians in the Battle of Saule near Šiauliai. After the battle, the Curonians, Semigallians, Selians revolted, and the Order of Swords lost all the white lands conquered on the left bank of the Daugava, and in 1237. became an autonomous branch of the German Order - the Livonian Order. For several years, the orders did not attack the Lithuanian lands, which allowed the Lithuanian state to strengthen.22 d. 1875 Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis was born. Lithuanian artist, composer, choirmaster, cultural figure.
22 d. 1932 Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas was born. Lithuanian state and political figure, fourth President of the Republic of Lithuania (1993–98). March 11 Signatory of the Act.
22 d. 1935 Virgilijus Kęstutis Noreika was born. Singer, one of the best Lithuanian tenors, winner of the National Prize.
25 d. 1765 Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis was born. Politician of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Republic of the Two Nations, the Russian Empire. 1794 protagonist of the uprising in Lithuania. Composer, author of the polonaise "Farewell to the Homeland".
26 d. 1841 Antanas Vienažindys was born. Lithuanian poet, Catholic priest. One of the pioneers of Lithuanian existential and love poetry. Many of his poems became folk songs.
26 d. 1914 Marius Katiliškis was born. Lithuanian writer. One of the most famous Lithuanian prose writers.
27 d. The Treaty of Melno (Lithuanian: Melno taika; Polish: Pokój melneński) or Treaty of Lake Melno (German: Friede von Melnosee) was a peace treaty ending the Gollub War. It was signed on 27 September 1422, between the Teutonic Knights and an alliance of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at Lake Melno (German: Melnosee, Meldensee; Polish: Jezioro Mełno), east of Graudenz (Grudziądz). The treaty resolved territorial disputes between the Knights and Lithuania regarding Samogitia, which had dragged on since 1382, and determined the Prussian–Lithuanian border, which afterwards remained unchanged for about 500 years. A portion of the original border survives as a portion of the modern border between the Republic of Lithuania and Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia, making it one of the oldest and most stable borders in Europe.
27 d. The Battle of Kircholm (27 September 1605, or 17 September in the Old Style calendar then in use in Protestant countries) was one of the major battles in the Polish–Swedish War. The battle was decided in 20 minutes by the devastating charge of Polish–Lithuanian cavalry, the Winged Hussars. The battle ended in the decisive victory of the Polish–Lithuanian forces, and is remembered as one of the greatest triumphs of Commonwealth cavalry.
28 d. 1533 Steponas Batoras was born. King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania (since 1576). 1571-76 Duke of Transylvania (belonged to Hungary).
28 d. 1867 Sofija Ivanauskaitė-Pšibiliauskienė, one of the sisters under the pseudonym Lazdynų Pelėda, was born in The works of the sisters are an example of the noble culture and themes of the manor in Lithuanian literature.
28 d. In 1939, after the outbreak of World War II, the USSR-Germany Treaty on Borders and Friendship was signed in Moscow. The aggressors divided Poland - the eastern part went to the USSR, the northern and western parts - to Germany, and the Germans formed the General Province in the remaining territory. According to the secret protocol of the treaty, all the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland) came under the sphere of influence of the USSR. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were ultimately forced to conclude mutual aid agreements with the Soviet Union and admit its military crews, Finland rejected the ultimatum.
29 d. 1823 Vladislav Sirokomle was born. Real name Ludwik Kondratowicz, Polish and Lithuanian poet, publicist, famous representative of Romanticism. He wrote books of Lithuanian local lore and travel impressions, which conveyed a love for Lithuania, a special sense of nature and landscape.
30 d. 1882 Pranciškus Baltrus Šivickis was born. Lithuanian and American zoologist, professor of Kaunas University, head of KU Department of Geography. Full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (1956).
30 d. 1940 Dalia Tamulevičiūtė was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian theater director and teacher. Art Prize of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (2003).
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
1 d. 1885 Mykolas Krupavičius was born. Lithuanian priest, political and public figure, one of the founders and leaders of the Christian Democratic Party, Minister of Agriculture (1923–1926). Together with others, drafted and implemented the Land Reform Act. In emigration, he headed the Central Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania.
2 d. 1951 The Soviets launched the deportation operation "Osen" (Autumn). It was carried out by 15 thousand. security personnel, military, militiamen, stribes and about 8,000 Soviet activists. In two days, 16,150 people were deported, including 5,278 children. During the whole of 1951, a total of 21,177 inhabitants were deported from Lithuania.
3 d. 1890 Vincas Grybas was born. Lithuanian sculptor, political and public figure. One of the most famous of the 20th century. 1 half of Lithuanian sculptors.
3 d. 1458 St. Casimir was born. The holy, heavenly patron saint of Lithuania. He was a prince of the Kingdom of Poland and of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.. Because of his piety and virtuous life in 1602. proclaimed a saint. Remembrance Day - March 4.
4 d. 1893 Stasys Girėnas was born. Lithuanian and American aviator, 1933. together with Steponas Darius, Lituanica flew across the Atlantic.
6 d. 1745 Pranciškis Smuglevičius was born. The most famous Lithuanian classicist artist
9 d. 1850 Vincas Pietaris was born. Doctor, Lithuanian writer, co-author of forbidden Lithuanian journalism, author of the first Lithuanian historical novel Algimantas.
9 d. 1908 Jonas Švedas was born. Lithuanian conductor, composer, trombonist, pedagogue. In 1940 he founded the State Song and Dance Ensemble (now "Lietuva") and until 1962 (with a break) he was its artistic director and chief conductor.
10 d. 1904 Liudas Truikys was born. Painter, set designer, teacher of decorative arts.
11 d. 1928 Saulius Sondeckis was born. Lithuanian violinist, conductor, teacher. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1999).
13 d. 1873 Mikas Petrauskas was born. Composer, organist, choir conductor. According to Gabrielius Landsbergis-Žemkalnis melodrama, he created and staged the first Lithuanian opera Birutė.
13 d. 1929 Donatas Sauka was born. Lithuanian folklorist, literary critic. Researched Lithuanian folklore and European culture. Lithuanian Science Prize (1995), Lithuanian National Prize Laureate (1998).
13 d. 1949 Aldona Česaitytė Nenėnienė was born. Lithuanian handball player. 1976 and 1980 Olympic champion.
15 d. 1892 Vladas Kuzma was born. Surgeon. 1923 was the first in Lithuania to transfuse blood, promoting blood conservation. Made about 20,000 complex operations. The poor were treated for free.
16 d. 1950 Jonas Katakinas was born. Lithuanian ballet artist, teacher.
18 d. 1890 Leonas Bistras was born. Lithuanian state and political figure. 1922–1923 and 1925. Speaker of the Seimas. 1923–1925, 1926–1927. and 1939. Minister of Education. 1925–1926 Prime Minister, Minister of National Defense and Foreign Affairs.
18 d. 1906 Romualdas Juknevičius was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian theater directors, actors and theater teachers.
18 d. 1911 Julijonas Steponavičius was born. Vilnius Archbishop, exile, Apostolic Administrator of the Vilnius Archdiocese.
18 d. 1932 Vytautas Landsbergis was born. Lithuanian state, political and cultural figure, cultural historian, pianist, musicologist. 1990-92 Chairman of the Supreme Council-Restorative Seimas. March 11 Signatory of the Act.
19 d. 1882 Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius was born. Lithuanian prose writer, playwright, classic of Lithuanian literature, professor, political figure.
25 d. Since 1994 October 25, 1992 is marked as the Day of the Constitution. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania was adopted by a constitutional referendum held together with the first round of the Seimas elections. November 2 The Constitution, which entered into force in Lithuania, restored the institution of the President.
26 d. 1799 Simonas Stanevičius was born. Lithuanian poet, folklorist, philologist, historian. The first professional Lithuanian philologist. He wrote 6 fairy tales and the ode "Šlovė Žemaičių", which is the first work of this genre in Lithuanian.28 d. 1793 Simonas Daukantas was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian historians, educator, activist of national revival, author of the first Lithuanian history in Lithuanian.
30 d. 1728 Martynas Pocobutas was born. Lithuanian astronomer and mathematician, rector of Vilnius University, Jesuit. Directed the reconstruction of the university observatory, provided it with the latest instruments, in 1777. discovered a new constellation - the Poniatowski Taurus.
31 d. 1876 Antanas Žmuidzinavičius was born. Lithuanian artist, collector, public figure.
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
2 d. 1862 Jonas Mačiulis-Maironis was born. The most famous of the 19th century. end of the 20th century early Lithuanian poet. Catholic priest. Prelate.
3 d. 1926 Valdas Adamkus was born. Fifth and Seventh President of the Republic of Lithuania (1998–2003 and 2004–2009), Lithuanian public figure in the United States of America, ecologist.
4 d. 1930 Vytautas Andziulis was born. Lithuanian anti-Soviet resistance figure, printing house owner. 1978-1981 In the village of Saliai near Kaunas under his residential house, he had set up an illegal printing publishing house “ab”. In 1981-1990. published 39 religious, historical, and other publications on anti-Soviet resistance.
5 d. 1885 Vladas Jurgutis was born. Lithuanian politician, economist. Pioneer of Lithuanian financial science, creator of financial terminology.The first governor of the Bank of Lithuania, called the father of the litas.
6 d. 1879 Kazimieras Būga was born. Lithuanian linguist, one of the most famous Lithuanian language researchers, professor.
6 d. 1938 Leonardas Gutauskas was born. Lithuanian writer, painter. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (2001)
7 d. 1790 Karolis Podčašinskis was born. Lithuanian architect, architectural theorist. A representative of late classicism. He redesigned the Vilnius University Library halls (now Aula) and the reading rooms of Professors (now Researchers), and designed the Tuskulėnai manor house in Vilnius. The most important project is the reconstruction of St. John's Church.
8 d. 1784 Teodoras Narbutas was born. Lithuanian historian, romantic, researcher of folklore and culture, archaeologist, engineer, architect.
8 d. 1884 Zigmas Žemaitis was born. Lithuanian physicist, mathematician, cultural and social figure. Rector of VU.
8 d. 1931 Jurgis Mačiūnas was born. Lithuanian diaspora artist. An avant-garde artist, pioneer of the Fluxus movement.
8 d. 1950 Ričardas Gavelis was born. Lithuanian writer, one of the most prominent postmodernists of prose. His novel Vilnius Poker marks a turning point in Lithuanian traditional prose.13 d. 1806 Emilija Pliaterytė was born. Countess, descended from the famous Pliater family, in 1831. participant in the uprising, captain of the rebel forces, called the Lithuanian Jeanne d'Arc.
13 d. 1885 Martynas Yčas was born. Lithuanian politician, public figure. One of the founders of the Lithuanian Society for the Relief of War Victims (1914), 1915–1917. the chairman. Member of the Council of Lithuania. 1918 independent Lithuanian finance, trade and industry, 1918–1919. Minister of Finance.
14 d. 1866 Justinas Staugaitis was born. Bishop, Lithuanian state, Catholic Church, public figure. Prelate (1924). Vice-President of the Council of Lithuania, Signatory of the February 16 Act. Member of the Constituent, First and Second Seimas, 1923–1924 and 1926 Speaker of the Seimas.
14 d. 1890 Vytautas Kairiūkštis was born. Lithuanian painter, pedagogue, art critic.
14 d. 1925 Vaclovas Intas was born. Doctor, stone collector. 1957 He founded a museum of unique stones in Mosėdis.
14 d. 1961 Jurga Ivanauskaitė was born. 20–21 a. Lithuanian writer, painter. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (2005). In 2008, the Jurga Ivanauskaitė Prize was established.
16 d. 1893 Kazys Binkis was born. Lithuanian poet, writer, journalist, playwright.
17 d. 1520 Martynas Mažvydas was born. 16 a. pioneer of Lithuanian writing, author of the first book in Lithuanian, evangelical Lutheran priest.
17 d. 1904 Salomeja Neris was born . Lithuanian poet.
18 d. 1881 Juozas Zikaras was born. One of the first professional Lithuanian sculptors, professor.
21 d. 1952 Eimuntas Nekrošius was born. Lithuanian theater director. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1997).23 d. 1851 Jonas Basanavičius was born. Activist and ideologue of the Lithuanian national movement, scientist, doctor. February 16 Signatory of the Act.
23 d. 1881 Petras Rimša was born. Lithuanian sculptor, graphic artist, medalist.
24 d. 1714 Tomas Žebrauskas was born. Astronomer, mathematician and architect, Jesuit priest. Reformed the teaching of exact sciences at Vilnius University, established physics and astronomy classrooms. Prepared the project of Vilnius University Observatory, was its first director. Reconstructed St. Ignatius Church in Vilnius, gave it Rococo forms.
24 d.1930 Adolfas Laimutis Telksnys was born. Electrical engineer, computer scientist. Pioneer of Internet development in Lithuania. Laureate of the Lithuanian Science Prize (2008).
26 d.1926 Galina Dauguvietytė was born. 20–21 a. Lithuanian television director, screenwriter, actress. Awarded the Cross of the Officer of the Grand Order of Vytautas (2004).
27 d.1881 Konstantinas Šakenis was born. 20 a. a figure of the Lithuanian state and society of the first half. 1927–1934 Minister of Education. 1934–1940 State Comptroller.) At the last meeting of the Government on June 15, 1940, he spoke in favor of resistance to Soviet occupation. Awarded the orders of Vytautas the Great 2nd degree (1930), Gediminas 1st degree (1938).
27 d.1926 Laimonas Noreika was born. 20–21 a. Lithuanian actor. Awarded the Lithuanian National Prize (1993), the Cross of the Officer of the Order of Gediminas (1996)
27 d. 1929 Vytautas Statulevičius was born. Lithuanian scientist, habilitated doctor of mathematical sciences, full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (1972).
28 d. 1911 Beatričė Grincevičiūtė was born. 20 a. Lithuanian singer (soprano). The first Lithuanian chamber singer. Since 1991, Beatričė Grincevičiūtė's chamber singing competitions have been organized (every 5 years).
29 d. 1901 Juozas Grušas was born. 20 a. Lithuanian writer, one of the most famous playwrights. He has written over 20 dramatic works - "Herkus Mantas", (1957), "Love, Jazz and the Devil", (1967), "Barbora Radvilaitė" (1971), "Švitrigaila" (1976) and others.
29 d. 1910 Antanas Škėma was born. Lithuanian writer, actor, director. One of the first creators of Lithuanian modern drama. The most famous work is the novel White Shroud(Balta drobulė) (1958).
30 d. 1427 Kazimieras Jogailaitis was born. Grand Duke of Lithuania Kazimieras I Jogailaitis (1440–1492), King of Poland Kazimieras IV Jogailaitis (1447-1492). Against the will of Polish gentlemen, he was proclaimed Grand Duke of Lithuanian nobility for 13 years. The proposal to occupy the throne of the King of Poland was accepted only under the conditions of the Union of Equal States (personal union). During his reign, Lithuanian law was codified for the first time, and the Kazimierz acquis was published. It is believed that Kazimieras Jogailaitis was the last Grand Duke of Lithuania to speak Lithuanian.
30 d. 1768 Andrius Sniadeckis was born. Chemist, doctor. Pioneer of biochemistry in Lithuania. He wrote the first textbook of chemistry in Lithuania “Primaries of Chemistry” (Początki chemiji 2 vol. 1800, in Lithuanian in 2004).
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
1 d. 1882 Lev Karsavin was born. Russian and Lithuanian cultural historian, philosopher. He also wrote in Lithuanian.2 d. 1612 Jonušas Radvila was born. Political and military figure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Republic of the Two Nations, initiator of the Treaty of Kėdainiai (1655). He led the GDL army during the Ukrainian Cossack uprising of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and during 1654–1667 the war between Poland and Lithuania with Russia. Son of the Hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Kristupas Radvila and Ona Kiškaitė.
2 d. 1884 Vaclovas Biržiška was born. Cultural historian, political figure, lawyer, legal researcher, administrativeist, encyclopedist, professor at the University of Lithuania.
2 d. 1886 Pranas Dovydaitis was born. 20 a. Lithuanian state figure, philosopher, pedagogue. February 16 Signatory of the Act. Member of the Council of Lithuania. Prime Minister of Lithuania (1919). Initiator of about 40 newspapers and magazines.
3 d. 1898 Robertas Antinis was born. Lithuanian artist, sculptor. The largest and most significant part of his work is decorative sculptures (Eglė the Queen of Snakes 1958, built in 1960 in Palanga, Dūdorius in 1963, built in 1975 in Panevėžys, March 1970, built in 1981 in Kaunas, Bičiulystė, built in 1981 in Klaipėda)
3 d. 1910 Vladas Drėma was born. Lithuanian art historian, museologist, painter, graphic artist. Winner of the National Prize (1992)
4 d. 1871 Liudvikas Stulpinas was born. Lithuanian seaman, sea captain. The first chief of the port of Klaipeda in the Republic of Lithuania. He contributed to the development of the Lithuanian Navy, the Seamen's School, and was the initiator of the establishment of the Lithuanian Seamen's Union.
4-5 d. 1905 A congress of Lithuanians, named after the Great Vilnius Seimas, took place in Vilnius, in the Vilnius City Hall (now the Lithuanian National Philharmonic). About 2000 Lithuanians from Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Latvia took part in the congress. The participants of the Great Vilnius Seimas decided to demand the autonomy of Lithuania with the Seimas in Vilnius, remaining part of the Russian Empire. The participants of the congress also emphasized the importance of promoting the Lithuanian language and national education. The Great Vilnius Seimas is considered to be the first significant stage of common national-state development.
13 d. 1930 Vytautė Žilinskaitė was born. Lithuanian prose writer, humorist and children's literature writer. For her work, the writer was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Gediminas (2005), the Children's Literature Prize (2007), and was awarded the Centennial Prize of the Lithuanian Writers' Union (2022). In 1948–58 she was a member of the Lithuanian women's volleyball team.
16 d. 1882 Tadas Ivanauskas was born. Lithuanian naturalist zoologist, pioneer of nature conservation. Full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (1941).
17 d. 1866 Kazys Grinius was born. Third President of Lithuania, activist of the Lithuanian national movement and the Lithuanian state. Doctor.
19 d. 1863 Pranas Mašiotas was born. Lithuanian pedagogue, children's writer, publicist, translator, author of textbooks, public and cultural figure.
19 d. 1908 Vytautas Valteris Jonas Budriūnas was born. Lithuanian and American basketball player. He won gold medal at EuroBasket 1939 with Lithuania national basketball team. He was notable for his one-handed jumpshot and is one of the hookshot founders.
19 d. 1964 Arvydas Sabonis was born. The best Lithuanian basketball player of all time. 1988 Olympic Champion, 1992 and 1996 bronze medalist at the Olympic Games. 1982 world champion. Recognized as one of the best European players of all time, he won the Euroscar six times (1984–1999), and the Mr. Europa Award twice. He played in a variety of leagues including the Spanish ACB League, and spent seven seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA), in the United States. On August 20, 2010, Sabonis was inducted into the FIBA Hall of Fame. On April 12, 2011, Sabonis was inducted to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame.
20 d. 1884 Juozas Gruodis was born. Lithuanian composer, conductor, pedagogue, professor.
20 d. 1903 Antanas Šabaniauskas was born. 20 a. Lithuanian singer (lyrical tenor). Pioneer of the Lithuanian professional stage.
20 d. 1919 Eduardas Balsys was born. Lithuanian composer, teacher.
20 d. 1930 Henrikas Šablevičius was born. Lithuanian documentary film classic, winner of the Lithuanian National Culture and Art Prize (1989). Knight's Cross of the Order of Gediminas (2001), founder of the Department of Film and Television of the Lithuanian Academy of Music, teacher of several generations of Lithuanian film documentaries. The most famous students: J. Lapinskaitė, A. Matelis, A. Stonys.
20 d. 1932 Vladas Vildžiūnas was born. 20th-21st early Lithuanian sculptor. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (2012).
22 d. 1885 Kipras Petrauskas was born. Famous Lithuanian singer (tenor).
24 d. 1798 Adomas Mickevičius was born. Lithuanian and Polish poet.
24 d. 1922 Jonas Mekas was born. 20–21 a. Lithuanian poet, cinematographer, film critic from the United States. One of the most famous creators and promoters of avant-garde cinema. Lithuanian National Prize (1995).
24 d. 1940 Bronius Radzevičius was born. Lithuanian prose writer.
30 d. 1860 Jonas Jablonskis was born. The most famous standardizer of the Lithuanian language. Outlined the standardization program of the common Lithuanian language, described the relationship between the common language and dialects, established the Kaunas dialect as the basis of the common language, created or helped specialists in various fields to create many terms.31 d. 1858 Vincas Kudirka was born. Prose writer, poet, publicist, critic, translator, editor of the newspaper "Varpas", author of the Lithuanian anthem.
31 d. 1860 Silvestras Žukauskas was born. Lithuanian military figure, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces during the War of Independence General.
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
1 d. Lithuanian Flag Day. 1919 In Vilnius, a group of Lithuanian volunteers, led by Kazys Škirpa, raised the Lithuanian tricolor in the tower of Gediminas Castle. Since 1997 January 1 is the day of the Lithuanian flag.
1 d. 1467 Sigismund I the Old was born in 1950. The Grand Duke of Lithuania and the King of Poland (since 1506). Lithuanian Grand Duke Kazimieras Jogailaitis and Elizabeth of the Habsburgs son of the dynasty.
1 d. 1714 Kristijonas Donelaitis was born. Lithuanian poet, evangelical Lutheran priest. Pioneer of Lithuanian fiction. The most famous work is the poem „Metai“ (Year) (1760–75).
1 d. 1889 Juozas Tallat Kelpša was born. Composer and conductor.
1 d. 1938 Norbertas Vėlius was born. Lithuanian ethnographer and religious researcher.
2 d. 1879 Adomas Varnas was born. Painter, graphic artist, photographer.
2 d. 1924 Henrikas Vancevičius was born. Lithuanian theater director, actor. He has directed more than 60 drama and opera performances. Government of the Republic of Lithuania Culture and Art Prize (2014).
3 d. 1872 Jonas Vileišis was born. 20 a. Lithuanian political figure of the first half. Brother of A.Vileišis and P.Vileišis. Lawyer. Member of the Council of Lithuania, signatory of the February 16 Act. 1918–1919 Minister of the Interior and Finance.
3 d. 1879 Steponas Kairys was born. 20 a. Lithuanian political figure and publicist of the first half. One of the organizers of the Lithuanian Conference (1917), member of the Council of Lithuania, signatory of the February 16 Act. Member of the Constituent and other Seimas. One of the organizers of the Central Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania, the first chairman.
3 d. 1943 Petras Bingelis was born. Lithuanian choir conductor. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1993).
4 d. 1925 Zigmas Zinkevičius was born. He was a leading Lithuanian linguist-historian, professor at Vilnius University, and a full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 1996–1998. Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.
4 d. 1941 Romas Pakalnis was born. Forestry engineer, ecologist, public figure. 2012-2018 was the chairman of the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO. He published more than 230 scientific and popular science articles on landscape ecology and environmental protection. Laureate of the V.Adamkus Prize (1996)
5 d. 1931 Kazys Napaleonas Kitkauskas was born. Lithuanian architect, restorer, engineer, builder, cultural and public figure. He was the scientific director of the project for the restoration of the Palace of the Rulers of the Lower Castle of Vilnius. found the treasure of the Vilnius Cathedral hidden during the Second World War and helped to preserve it. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1990).
5 d. 1947 Regimantas Midvikis was born. Lithuanian sculptor. The most famous works are monument for the brothers Vileišiai, built in 2018, Monument to King Mindaugas 2003, both in Vilnius, monument for M. Mažvydas, 1997, monument the millennium of the name of Lithuania, 2009, both in Klaipėda, monument J.Miltinis in Panevėžys, 2007, monument to the partisans of Kęstutis district in Tauragė, 2008. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1994).
6 d. 1893 Vincas Mykolaitis-Putinas was born. Lithuanian writer, translator, literary critic. He is best known for his symbolic poems - a collection of poems „Tarp dviejų aušrų“ (Between Two Dawns) (1927) and a novel „Altorių šešėly“ (Shadow of the Altar) (1932-1933).
6 d. 1905 Kazys Boruta was born. Lithuanian writer, poet, political figure. The most famous work is the novel „Baltaragio malūnas“ (Baltaragis Mill) (1945).
7 d. 1910 Pranas Lubinas (Frank Lubin) was born. 20 a. United States and Lithuanian basketball player. 1936 Olympic champion (with the United States national team), 1939 European champion (with Lithuanian national team). Thanks to Lubin, men's and women's basketball teams achieved significant achievements and basketball became very popular in Lithuania.
8 d. 1880 Vanda Tumėnienė was born. Pediatrician, pioneer of pediatrics in Lithuania. in 1924 founded the State Children's Hospital in Kaunas together with others. in 1934 with her efforts, a 100-bed sanatorium for children with tuberculosis was built.
8 d. 1896 Steponas Darius was born. Legendary Lithuanian pilot, military pilot, athlete, one of the leaders of the Lithuanian Physical Education Union, sports, football and baseball leagues. Popularized sports in Lithuania. 1933 together with Stasys Girėnas, Lituanica flew across the Atlantic Ocean.
9 d. 1776 Liudvikas Gediminas Rėza was born. Evangelical Lutheran priest, Lithuanian writer. 1818 was the first to publish Kristijonas Donelaitis' poem "Metai", in 1825. published the first collection of Lithuanian folk songs "Dainos, oder littauische Volkslieder", sent this collection to J.W.Goethe.
9 d. 1928 Irena Veisaitė was born. Literary and theatrical researcher.
12 d. 1927 Algirdas Eugenijus Steponavičius was born. Lithuanian graphic artist, book illustrator. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1990). He painted multi-figure wall paintings in the children's cafe "Nykštukas" in Vilnius and in the children's sanatorium "Pušelė" in Valkininkai (a digitally reproduced fragment of the work is in the MO Museum in Vilnius). These works, which have not survived to the present day, were some of the most innovative and original works of the seventies.
13 d. Defenders of Freedom Day. January 13. Military of the USSR aggression action in Lithuania. On the night of January 13, 1991, the military units of the USSR occupied Lithuanian radio and television, the television tower and some other buildings, and interrupted Lithuanian radio and television broadcasts. 13 Lithuanian defenders of freedom (Loreta Asanavičiūtė (23 years old), Virginijus Druskis (21 years old), Darius Gerbutavičius (17 years old), Rolandas Jankauskas (22 years old), Rimantas Juknevičius (24 years old), Alvydas Kanapinskas (38 years old), Algimantas Petras Kavoliukas (52 years old), Vidas Maciulevičius (24 years old), Titas Masiulis (28 years old), Alvydas Matulka (35 years old), Juozas Apolinaras Povilaitis (53 years old), Ignas Šimulionis (17 years old), Vytautas Vaitkus (47 years old)) were killed in the assault. Vytautas Koncevičius (49) died of his injuries in February. About 700 people were injured and a lot of material damage was done.
13 d. 1873 Juozapas Gudavičius was born. Lithuanian composer, conductor, choir conductor, organist, teacher.
13 d. 1880 Jovaras was born (real name Jonas Krikščiūnas). Bookbinder and poet. His poems „Ko liūdi, berželi?“ (What are you sad, birch?), „Tylus, tylus vakarėlis“ (Silent, silent evening) and others turned into folk songs.
13 d. 1892 Vladas Lašas was born. Lithuanian doctor, physiologist, allergist, political and public figure. Pioneer of allergology in Lithuania
13 d. 1947 Jurgis Kunčinas was born. Lithuanian writer, translator.
14 d. 1881 Jonas Vabalas‑Gudaitis was born. Lithuanian pedagogue and psychologist. Pioneer of experimental psychology and pedagogy in Lithuania. The first in Lithuania and one of the first in Europe to apply the principle of interaction in pedagogy. Created the term synergy.
14 d. 1904 Viktoras Vizgirda was born. Lithuanian painter
15 d. 1771 Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrėža was born. Lithuanian priest, monk, pedagogue, participant of the Lithuanian cultural movement, activist of Samogitian writing and creator of scientific terminology, bibliophile.
15 d. 1947 Stasys Povilaitis was born a Lithuanian pop singer and songwriter.
16 d. 1915 Algirdas Petrulis was born. Lithuanian painter. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1995).
17 d. 1835 Antanas Baranauskas was born. Bishop, poet, linguist and mathematician. The most famous work is the poem „Anykščių šilelis“ ("Anykščiai bush" written 1858–1859).
18 d. 1897 Balys Buračas was born. Lithuanian ethnographer, photographer. While traveling around Lithuania, he photographed monuments of small folk architecture, crosses, folk art objects, about 11 000 the negatives he recorded. Wrote more than 3 500 songs, 200 lamentations, left 800 custom descriptions. Compiled a collection of more than 3 600 Easter eggs.
19 d. 1944 Gediminas Girdvainis was born. Lithuanian film and theater actor. Laureate of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Culture and Art Prize (2007)
20 d. 1785 Theodore von Grotus was born. Lithuanian physicochemist. Published the first theory of electrolysis. In studying the interaction of light with matter in 1815 discovered the law of phosphorescence in 1818 - important photochemical laws. 1994 The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences founded Th. von Grotthuss Foundation, established a prize and an annual scholarship, since 1995 awarded a medal.
21 d. 1938 Rūta Staliliūnaitė was born. Lithuanian theater and film actress. Art Prize of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania (1998). Lithuanian National Prize (2008).
23 d. 1897 Ieva Simonaitytė was born. Klaipeda region writer
23 d. 1921 Birutė Marija Gimbutienė was born. Lithuanian archaeologist, pioneer of archaeomithology. Filos. dr. (1946). Honorary Professor at the University of California (1975), Honorary Doctor of Vilnius University (1993).
24 d. 1885 Pranas Mažylis was born. Doctor obstetrician gynecologist.1922 He established the Midwifery School in Kaunas, and later his own midwifery-gynecology hospital. 1926 on his initiative, the Red Cross Hospital in Kaunas started transfusing blood and treating cancer with radium. Righteous Among the Nations of the World (2006).
25 d. 1851 Petras Vileišis was born. Organizer and patron of the Lithuanian national movement, educator, state figure. Engineer. He was famous in the Russian Empire as a specialist in road and rail bridges, designing and building more than 100 bridges. He was one of the initiators and authors of the edition of the newspaper „Aušra“, supporting „Aušra“ and „Varpas“ with his own funds. 1904 he established a printing house and started publishing the first Lithuanian daily newspaper „Vilniaus žinios“, mainly at his own expense. He contributed a lot to the establishment of Lithuanian science and Lithuanian art societies.
25 d. 1890 Paulius Galaunė was born. Lithuanian graphic artist, art historian and museologist. He was the first to offer exhibitions of ecclesiastical art and ex-libris in Lithuania, to collect and research works of folk art and professional art, and to take care of the registration, protection and return of Lithuanian cultural monuments to Lithuania.
26 d. The Battle of Ula during the Livonian War. 1564 In the Vitebsk County near the tributary of the Daugava, the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, led by Grand Hetman Mikalojus Radvila Rudasis(Brown) and Field Hetman Grigalius Chodkevičius, defeated the Russian (Moscow) army. The Battle of Ula and the Battle of Orsha shortly afterwards made the GDL army famous throughout Europe. After these victories in the Livonian War, Russia's invasion of Lithuania was stopped.
27 d. 1908 Antanas Maceina was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian philosophers of the 20th century.
28 d. 1835 Vincas Svirskis was born. Lithuanian folk artist sculptor, cross-worker. Bookbinder.
28 d. 1872 Kazimieras Steponas Šaulys was born. A figure of the Lithuanian state and a member of the Catholic Church, Prelate. Participant of the Lithuanian Conference (1917), member of the Council of Lithuania, signatory of the February 16 Act.
31 d. 1926 Vytautas Klova was born. Lithuanian composer and pedagogue. His most famous work is the opera Pilėnai (1956).
31 d. 1937 Regimantas Adomaitis was born. Lithuanian actor. Played more than 60 roles in the theater. Created more than 80 roles in Lithuanian and foreign cinema and television films. Lithuanian National Prize (2014), Golden Stage Cross (2017).
31 d. 1939 Romualdas Ozolas was born. Lithuanian politician, public figure, publicist. Philologist, philosopher. March 11 Signatory of the Act.
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
2 d. February 2-22, 1949 A congress of Lithuanian partisan commanders took place near Radviliškis. The congress established a joint political and military leadership - the Council of the Lithuanian Freedom Fighting Movement (chairman and interim commander of the Armed Forces J.Žemaitis), adopted a declaration of the Lithuanian Freedom Fighting Movement Council declaring that the legitimate supreme authority in Lithuania is partisan leadership, restoration of an independent, democratic and parliamentary Republic of Lithuania.
2 d. 1536 Petras Skarga was born. Catholic theologian of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Jesus. 1579–1582 Rector of Vilnius University (first)
2 d. 1838 Konstantinas Kalinauskas was born. 1863–1864 one of the leaders of the uprising in Lithuania and Belarus.
2 d. 1852 Gabrielius Landsbergis-Žemkalnis was born. One of the pioneers of Lithuanian dramaturgy, writer, theater actor. He was an active theater theoretician, critic, actor and director. The most important work is the drama "Blinda, svieto lygintojas", which was created on the basis of material collected by Lazdynu Pelėda.
2 d. 1896 Balys Sruoga was born. Lithuanian poet, prose writer, playwright, theatrologist, researcher of literature and folklore. The most famous work is „Dievų miškas“ (The Forest of the God)s (1945).
4 d. 1515 Mikalojus Radvila Juodasis (Black) was born. State and military figure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL), the most famous figure of the Reformed GDL. One of the most powerful, influential and richest of the 16th century. the nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the defender of its state independence.
4 d. 1746 Tadas Andrius Bonaventūra Kosciuszko was born. Political and military figure in Poland and Lithuania. One in 1794. the organizer of the uprising, his commander-in-chief.
4 d. 1926 Konstantinas Bogdanas was born. One of the most famous sculptors. His most significant works are the monument to Kristijonas Donelaitis in Vilnius, Juozas Gruodis in Kaunas, the monument to the partisans and deportees who died for Lithuanian freedom in Žeimiai. He also created a monument to pop music composer Frank Zappa in Vilnius.
4 d. 1943 Sigitas Geda was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian poets. Laureate of Lithuanian National (1994), Jotvingiai (1994) and other awards.
5 d. 1864 Zemach Shabad was born. Vilnius doctor, public figure. During World War I, he and others helped eradicate the cholera epidemic in Švenčionys. He was a very popular doctor, treating children and the poor for free. The Russian writer K. Chukovsky chose him as the prototype of the main character of the fairy tale "Doctor Aiskauda".
5 d. 1884 Mečislovas Reinys was born. Catholic clergyman, archbishop, philosopher, participant in anti-Soviet resistance, declared a martyr. 1944 The Soviets tried to force M. Reinis to sign an appeal to Lithuanian partisans on behalf of the Church's superiors, calling for their legalization, but the archbishop refused. 1947 in written protest to the Soviet authorities against the restriction of the rights of the Church and the faithful, was arrested in the same year. 1953 died in Vladimir prison.
8-10 d. 1919 February 8-10 the battles of Kėdainiai took place. One of the first battles of the Lithuanian army with the Soviet Russian army that invaded Lithuania during the War of Independence. Its management planned to encircle and occupy Kaunas from the south (via Alytus) and the north (via Kėdainiai). An enemy group (900–1000 soldiers with machine guns, artillery) occupied Šeta in January 1919, approaching Kėdainiai, which was defended by about 200 volunteers. A company of Saxon volunteers with machine guns and artillery came from Kaunas to help the Lithuanians. When on February 9. The Lithuanian army dealt a severe blow to the Soviet Russian army and retreated to Šeta. February 10 about 80 Lithuanian volunteers and 20 German infantry with 3 machine guns and 2 artillery cannons attacked Šeta. Unable to withstand Lithuanian and German pressure, enemy units retreated to Bukonis. During the battles of Kėdainiai, the Soviet Russian army lost many soldiers, Lithuanians lost their spoils of war: dozens of rifles, many rounds of ammunition, grenades and ammunition. 40 Lithuanian soldiers were killed in the fighting. The initiative was taken over by the Lithuanian Armed Forces in this section of the front. February 9 Povilas Lukšys, the first volunteer of the Lithuanian Armed Forces who died on the front.
9 d. 1928 Antanas Terleckas was born. One of the most famous figures of Lithuanian anti-Soviet resistance. 1976-1977 together with others published the publication Laisvės shauklys, since 1979. - "Vytis". in 1978 founded the Lithuanian Freedom League with others and became its leader. One of the organizers of the meeting at the A. Mickevičius monument in Vilnius (1987).
9 d. 1930 Vytautas Petras Bložė was born. Lithuanian poet. Laureate of the Jotvingiai Prize (1986), Poetry Spring (1997), Lithuanian National Prize (1991).
10 d. 1876 Pranas Vaičaitis was born. Lithuanian poet, translator. The pioneer of the Elegy genre (a poem characterized by lost happiness, reflection motives, a mood of mild sadness) in Lithuanian poetry.
10 d. 1906 Stasys Antanas Bačkis was born. Lithuanian diplomat. Since 1930 In the Lithuanian Diplomatic Service. 1983-1991 Head of Lithuanian Diplomacy. Awarded the orders of Gediminas 3 (1937), 2 (1994), 1 (1996).
11 d. 1905 Antanas Miškinis was born. Lithuanian poet, translator, prose writer, publicist, representative of neo-romanticism. Winner of the Poetry Spring (1981).
11 d. 1909 Anicetas Simutis was born. Lithuanian diplomat. He was in the diplomatic service the longest of all interwar Lithuanian diplomats. 1991-1994 the first ambassador of the restored Republic of Lithuania to the United Nations.
11 d. 1932 Algimantas Mackus was born. Lithuanian poet, literary critic. Since 1949 lived in the United States, belonged to the so-called landless generation.
12 d. 1870 Jonas Smilgevičius was born. Lithuanian society figure. Economist. One of the organizers of the Lithuanian Conference (1917), member of the Council of Lithuania, signatory of the February 16 Act.
12 d. 1901 Juozas Mikėnas was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian sculptors, the pioneer of modern sculpture in Lithuania.
12-15 d. 1919 February 12-15 Alytus battle. The battles of the Lithuanian army with the Red Army during the War of Independence. The leadership of the Red Army planned to surround and occupy Kaunas with an attack from the south through Alytus. The commander of the Lithuanian First Infantry Regiment Antanas Juozapavičius, having received information that about 700 Red Army soldiers were approaching the city, was preparing to defend himself together with the Germans. Red Army units in 1919 February 12 launched an attack. Lithuanians and Germans stubbornly opposed, but on February 13. left the city. On the night of February 14th. The German armored train and the Lithuanian First Infantry Regiment company attacked the Red Army and took back Alytus. The strategic plan of the Red Army leadership to occupy Kaunas by attacking from the south failed. February 13 A. Juozapavičius, the first Lithuanian officer killed during the War of Independence, died on a wooden bridge.
13 d. 1906 Adolfas Šapoka was born. Lithuanian historian, pedagogue, one of the 1936 author and editor of the work "History of Lithuania.
14 d. 1887 Stasys Šimkus was born. Composer, choir organizer and conductor, music publicist, folklorist, educator and music publicist.
14 d. 1893 Kazys Bizauskas was born. Lithuanian state figure, diplomat. 1917–1920 Secretary General of the Council of Lithuania, signatory of the Act of 16 February. 1920–1922 Representative of the Constituent Seimas, Minister of Education. 1922–1931 represented Lithuania in the Vatican, the USA, Latvia, Great Britain and the Netherlands.
14 d. 1907 Bernardas Brazdžionis was born. Lithuanian prose writer, poet, playwright, press worker, museologist, literary critic.
16 d. 1886 Albinas Rimka was born. Lithuanian economist, statistician, press, public, political figure. Pioneer of the science of statistics in Lithuania, author of the first statistics textbooks in the Lithuanian language. in 1922 one of the main creators of the land reform project. Since 2002 Lithuanian Academy of Sciences every 4 years provides the Albinos Rimkas prize for the best scientific works in the field of economics.
16 d. 1918 Act of Independence of Lithuania was signed. Act of the Council of Lithuania legally restoring the state of Lithuania. Adopted on the basis of the right of nations to self-determination, the will of the Lithuanian nation and the resolution of the Lithuanian Conference. The February 16 Act established that the state would be democratic and its capital would be Vilnius. He provided that the state system would be established by the Constituent Seimas. The February 16 Act addressed Russia and Germany, other states, informing them about the restoration of the Lithuanian state and the termination of any former state ties. February 16 The act was handed over to the representatives of the German occupation authorities in Lithuania and handed over to the German authorities. The Act was incorporated into international life in 1918. on February 20, when the German Reichstage was read. The February 16 Act was signed in Vilnius, in the so-called Stralis House (Didžioji St. 30, now Pilies Street 26, House of Signatories), to assist the victims of the war in the premises of the Lithuanian Society. The Act read by J. Basanavičius, Chairman of the meeting of the Council of Lithuania, was adopted unanimously. It was signed by: J. Basanavičius, S. Banaitis, M. Biržiška, K. Bizauskas, P. Dovydaitis, S. Kairys, P. Klimas, D. Malinauskas, V. Mironas, S. Narutavičius, A. Petrulis, KS Šaulys, J. Šaulys, J. Šernas, A. Smetona, J. Smilgevičius, Justinas Staugaitis, A. Stulginskis, J. Vailokaitis and J. Vileišis. It is known from the recollections of the signatories of the February 16 Act that two equivalent copies were signed: one of them was kept by J. Basanavičius, the second was used in making his facsimiles February 16 was the tenth anniversary of the February 16 Act, i. p. 1933 publishing the history of Lithuania edited by A. Šapoka. Until the beginning of the occupation of the USSR in 1940. June 15 it was kept in the archives of the Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania; the fate of the copies of these Acts is unknown.
19 d. 1807 Napoleonas Orda was born. Lithuanian and Polish artist, musician and writer. While traveling around Europe, he created very accurate, romanticized drawings of landscapes and architectural monuments of various countries, including many images of Vilnius and Lithuania.
19 d. 1881 Konradas Juozas Aleksa was born. Veterinarian, sociologist and public figure. He was one of the founders of the Veterinary Academy and the founder of the Lithuanian Veterinary Association, secretly teaching students a prohibited genetics course. Genetics, private property, recognition of the work of Western scientists have been criticized and persecuted by the Soviet authorities. He was the first in Lithuania to study the skeletons of horses dug in cemeteries, to determine their age, sex and height.
20 d. 1877 Antanas Vivulskis was born. Lithuanian architect, sculptor. Created the monument of the Three Crosses in Vilnius (1916, demolished in 1950, rebuilt in 1989, architect H. K. Šilgalis), T.Kosciuška memorial plaque in Vilnius St. In the Church of St. John (1917). Designed the Šiluva Chapel (1903), the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Vilnius (1913–1915).
20 d. 1916 Julius Juzeliūnas was born. Lithuanian composer, music theorist, pedagogue, public figure
21 d. 1871 Jonas Garalevičius was born. Master of musical instruments and designer of gliders. 1911 In his workshop in Kaunas, he designed and manufactured the first gliders in Lithuania. In Lithuania and abroad, he repaired, restored or rebuilt about 100 organs, built new organs, including the Seinai Cathedral and the Šiluva Church.
21 d. 1882 Mykolas Sleževičius was born. Lithuanian state, political and public figure. Lawyer. Member of the Constituent and other Seimas 1918–1919 and 1926. Prime Minister of Lithuania; organized the defense of Lithuania against the intervention of the Soviet Russian and Polish armies, contributed to the consolidation of Lithuanian statehood.
21 d. 1939 Nijolė Ambrazaitytė was born. Opera singer, signatory of the March 11 Act.
21 d. 1947 Petras Dirgėla was born. Lithuanian writer, author of historical novels. Laureate of Simonas Daukantas (1989), Lithuanian Writers' Union (2002), Lithuanian National (2003) Awards.
22 d. 1800 Kanutas Ruseckas was born. Lithuanian painter. He created many landscapes, and a series of household paintings depicting Lithuanian peasants was very successful ("Pjovėja"〈The Reaper Girl) in 1844, "Lietuvaitė su verbomis" 〈Lithuanian Girl with Palm Sunday Fronds) in 1847).
22 d. 1953 Romas Kalanta was born. Participant in the Lithuanian resistance to the Soviet occupation regime. Protesting against the occupation of the USSR, he burned down in Kaunas on May 14, 1972.
23 d. 1891 Petras Klimas was born. Lithuanian state and public figure, diplomat, publicist. Member of the Council of Lithuania, Secretary; February 16 Signatory of the Act. 1923–1940 represented Lithuania in Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Luxembourg.
24 d. 1990 Sąjūdis won the elections to the Supreme Council of Lithuania (71.7% of voters participated) on March 4-10. after a second ballot (66.4% of the electorate), 133 deputies were elected; In November 1990, after all the by-elections in 8 constituencies, Sąjūdis received 96 seats out of 141, the LCP 40 seats, and the LCP (SSKP) 5 seats. According to the Sąjūdis list, on March 3, 1990, 9 members of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, 4 members of the Lithuanian Green Party, 3 members of the Lithuanian Democratic Party and 2 members of the Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party were elected.
24 d. 1595 Motiejus Kazimieras Sarbievijus was born. Lithuanian poet, literary theorist. Jesus. Considered one of the most prominent Lithuanian Baroque poets, who wrote in Latin, popular in the 17th century. In Europe.
24 d. 1926 Balys Gajauskas was born. Lithuanian anti-Soviet resistance figure. Signatory to the Act of March 11, 1990.
25 d. 1917 Kazys Varnelis was born. Painter, representative of late modernism, collector and bibliophile. Has accumulated a bibliophilic library (about 9,000 books were brought to Lithuania). Awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Gediminas (1998). Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit for Lithuania (2007).
26 d. 1885 Aleksandras Stulginskis was born. Second President of Lithuania, signatory, one of the founders of the Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party, agronomist, founder and chairman of the Farmers' Union.
28 d. 1801 Motiejus Valančius was born. Samogitian bishop, educator, writer, historian, organizer of the sobriety movement.
29 d. 1896 Juozas Urbšys was born. Minister of Foreign Affairs, diplomat, officer, translator of the interwar Republic of Lithuania.
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
1 d. 1934 Vincas Kisarauskas was born. Painter, one of the most famous Lithuanian ex-libris creators. One of the first in Lithuania to start creating with collage, photomontage and assembly techniques.
4 d. Lithuanian patron Saint Casimir's Day.
4 d. 1913 Kazimieras Žoromskis was born. Lithuanian painter. Created a peculiar variety of opart - the so-called optical impressionism.
4 d. 1920 Zenonas Puzinauskas was born. Lithuanian basketball player, athlete, basketball coach, sports organizer. 1937 and 1939. European men's basketball champion.
4 d. 1925 Kazys Morkūnas was born. Lithuanian stained glass artist. One of the most famous Lithuanian stained glass creators. Created one of the largest (180 m2) stained glass windows in Lithuania "Šventė"〈Celebration) in the First Palace of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (1981).
5 d. 1808 Simonas Konarskis was born. 1830–1831 rebel figure. After the uprising, he left for France, where he founded the Young Poland organization. Organized a new uprising. 1838 Arrested by Russian police; On February 27, 1839, he was shot in Vilnius.
5 d. 1937 Raimondas Vabalas was born. Lithuanian film director. 1964 made the first Lithuanian color feature film „Marš, marš, tra-ta-ta!“ 〈March, March, tra-ta-ta!). Other well-known films are „Laiptai į dangų“ 〈Stairs to Heaven, 1968), „Smokas ir Mažylis“ 〈Smok and the Little One,1975, according to J. London), „Skrydis per Atlantą“ 〈Flight over the Atlantic, 1983), „Miškais ateina ruduo“ 〈Autumn is Coming in the Woods, 1989, according to M.Katiliškis).
6 d. 1918 Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian partisan commanders. Commander of the Defense Forces of the Lithuanian Freedom Fighting Movement, Chairman of the Presidium of the Sąjūdis Council.
7 d. 1861 Jonas Šliūpas was born. Lithuanian political, social, cultural figure, philosopher, dawn, doctor.
7 d. 1869 Donatas Malinauskas was born. Lithuanian public figure, diplomat. Member of the Greater Vilnius Seimas (1905), Council of Lithuania, signatory of the February 16 Act.
8 d. 1877 Marija Pečkauskaitė-Šatrijos Ragana. was born. Lithuanian writer. Her most successful works are „Sename dvare“ (Old Manor, 1922) and „Irkos tragedija“ ("Irish Tragedy").
8 d. 1927 Gediminas Jokūbonis was born. Lithuanian sculptor. One of the most famous works is the monument of A. Mickevičius in Vilnius (1984).
9 d. 1009 the name of Lithuania was mentioned for the first time in historical sources. The annals of Quedlinburg in the 11th century mention Bruno, who "hit the head of the heathen on the border of Russia and Lithuania, and went to heaven on the ninth day of March with eighteen relatives."
9 d. 1760 Antanas Strazdas was born. Lithuanian priest and poet.
9 d. 1917 Algirdas Julius Greimas was born. Lithuanian and French semiotician, mythologist, linguist.
10 d. 1876 Edmundas Alfonsas Frykas was born. Architect. Designed the building of the Seimas and the Ministry of Justice in Kaunas (now the National Philharmonic), Marijampolė railway station.
10 d. 1893 Vytautas Landsbergis ‑ Žemkalnis was born. Lithuanian architect, public figure. Pioneer of modernist architecture in Lithuania.
10 d. 1903 Antanas Poška was born. Lithuanian traveler, anthropologist, journalist. One of the first Lithuanian Esperantists. The righteous of the nations of the world.
10 d. 1930 Justinas Marcinkevičius was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian poet, actively involved in the activities of the Sąjūdis. Laureate of the Poetry Spring (1965), Lithuanian National Prize (2001), Baltic Assembly Prize (2005), J. G. Herder Prize (2005), National Progress Prize (2008).
11 d. Act of March 11, Act of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania, 1990 March 11 Act of the Supreme Council-Seimas of Restoration (AT / AS) On the Restoration of the Independent State of Lithuania, which legally restored the independence of the State of Lithuania. Adopted in implementation of the Sąjūdis electoral program and the 1990 March 11 In the Declaration on the Powers of the Deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR, the obligation to restore the State of Lithuania was established, with 124 AT / AS deputies voting in favor and 6 abstentions.
11 d. 1912 Levas Vladimirovas was born. Lithuanian book researcher and librarian. Creator of information society theory in Lithuania. 1955–1958 on his initiative, about 19,000 rare books (such as the Mažvydas Catechism) and museum treasures from Russia and Ukraine were returned to Lithuania.
14 d. 1900 Jonas Prapuolenis was born. Lithuanian furniture designer. Created about 150 sets of furniture for private interiors and public institutions. 1937 At the World's Fair in Paris, his furniture won gold and silver medals.
15 d. 1909 Jonas Žemaitis was born. (Nicknames. Darius, Adomas, Ilgūnas, Matas, Mockus, Silent, Zaltys, Vytautas). One of the most famous leaders of Lithuania's resistance to the Soviet occupation regime. Chairman of the Presidium of the Council of the Lithuanian Freedom Movement and Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Forces.
15 d. 1940 Vladas Česiūnas was born. Lithuanian rower, coach. In 1972 Olympic champion, 4 times (1973, 1974 - 2 times, 1975) world champion, 1973 runner-up, 1971 bronze medalist of the world and European championships.
16 d. 1846 Jurgis Bielinis was born.Lithuanian bookseller, publicist. Distributed the banned Lithuanian press for about 32 years. In honor of all booksellers, this day in Lithuania is celebrated Bookbinder's Day.
16 d. 1907 Vytautas Kazimieras Jonynas was born. Lithuanian graphic artist, painter, sculptor. Founder of the School of Arts and Crafts in Freiburg.
16 d. 1939 Jonas Strielkūnas was born. Lithuanian poet, translator. Neo-romantic creation is characterized by the form of a classical four-row. Laureate of the Poetry Spring (1991), Lithuanian National Prize (1996), Jotvingiai Prize (2001).
16 d. 1947 Raimundas Katilius was born. Lithuanian violinist virtuoso, teacher. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1995).
19 d. 1899 Juozas Matulis was born. Lithuanian chemist, public figure. Founder of the Lithuanian School of Electrochemistry
22 d. 1609 Jonas Kazimieras was born. Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland (1648–1668). Son of Sigismund Vasa. The last of the Vasa dynasty.
22 d. 1786 Joachim Lelewel was born. Polish historian, cartographer, geographer, patron of culture, one of the pioneers of European numismatics.
22 d. 1868 Vilhelmas Storosta-Vydūnas was born. Lithuanian philosopher, writer. Cultural and social figure of Lithuania Minor. Honorary Doctor of the University of Lithuania (1928). Has signed under the pseudonym Vydūnas since 1907.
24 d. 1845 Juozas Miliauskas-Miglovara was born. Lithuanian poet, publicist. Famous 19th century actor of national revival.
25 d. 1885 Juozas Balčikonis was born. Lithuanian linguist, translator.
25 d. 1930 Vytautas Ambrazas was born. Linguist, researcher of Lithuanian syntax.
25 d. 1949 The most massive Soviet deportation operation in the Baltic States, Priboj (Battle of the Waves), began. During which more than 90 thousand people were deported to the Krasnoyarsk region, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk and Amur regions. Almost 29 thousand lithuanians were deported, among whom were 8357 children. 13,785 occupiers (MVD and MGB workers and soldiers) and 16,666 collaborators (strikers and armed activists) carried out deportations. 13,777 people entered the list of deportees were saved by resistance participants, relatives and friends, but about 3,000 of them were caught and deported in April 1949.
26 d. 1831 the uprising began in Samogitia. when the rebels occupied Raseiniai and formed the temporary government of Raseiniai county; Benediktas Kalinauskas was appointed the Commander-in-Chief of their army.
26 d. 1885 Borisas Dauguvietis was born. Lithuanian theater director,, actor, pedagogue, playwright.
26 d. 1899 Pranas Skardžius was born. Lithuanian linguist. One of the founders of the Lithuanian Language Society. Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (1941).
27 d. 1880 Feliksas Vizbaras was born. The architect, who supervised the construction of bridges in Alytus, Aukštosis Panemunė and Prienai, designed the Central Post Office Palace in Kaunas
27 d. 1898 Antanas Gustaitis was born.Lithuanian military figure, aviation engineer, pilot. Brigadier General (1937). Creator of the aircraft ANBO (from the sentence „Antanas wants to be in the air“ the first letters of words), 1934. led a flight of three planes around European capitals.
27 d. 1940 Antanas Šurna was born. Lithuanian actor. Government of the Republic of Lithuania Culture and Art Prize (2012).
28 d. 1951 Kęstutis Antanėlis was born. Lithuanian composer, architect, artist. In 1971 he's the first in Europe and the second in the world staged Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar.
30 d. 1697 Jonas Juraga-Giedraitis was born. Lithuanian philosopher, theologian, doctor of philosophy and law. 1752–55 - Rector of Vilnius University; Under his leadership, the Astronomical Observatory and the Office of Mathematics and Physics were established at Vilnius University in 1753, and the teaching of New Age philosophy began.
30 d. 1861 Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė was born. Lithuanian writer, publicist, public and political figure.
30 d. 1894 Juozas Tonkūnas was born. Lithuanian Minister of Education (1934–1939), LUA Rector, Professor, Agronomist.
31 d. 1880 Petras Kalpokas was born. One of the most famous and productive of the first half of the 20th century. Lithuanian painters, scenographers and fresco creators. At the beginning of the 20th century, he became famous not only in Lithuania but also in Germany, in Latvia, was a Kaunas School of Art professor, and head of the painting studio.
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.
Dates of birth of famous people, other important dates of Lithuania history
1 d. 1579 Vilnius University, the oldest and largest in Lithuania, one of the oldest European higher education institutions, was established by the efforts of the Jesuits. 1579 King Stephen Bathory issued a deed of privilege to open the Vilnius Academy, and Pope Gregory XIII issued a bull confirming the 1570 A Jesuit college established in Vilnius as a university. Initially, it housed the faculties of Theology and Philosophy.
1 d. 1936 Marcelijus Martinaitis was born. Poet, essayist, translator, playwright, one of the most important representatives of the generation of writers who changed the face of Lithuanian literature in the seventies and eighties. Laureate of the Poetry Spring (1975), Lithuanian National Prize (1998), Baltic Assembly Prize (2007).
2 d. 1889 Ignas Šeinius was born. An innovator of Lithuanian prose, a representative of Impressionism, one of the most active enthusiasts of modernist aesthetics. Wrote in Lithuanian and Swedish. He is best known as the author of the novel Kuprelis.
2 d. 1909 Stasys Vainiūnas was born. Lithuanian composer, pianist, conductor, pedagogue, choirmaster, professor.
3 d. 1897 Juozas Stanulis was born. Lithuanian theater actor, director. One of the creators of the professional Lithuanian theater.
3 d. 1954 Vidmantas Bartulis was born. Lithuanian composer. 1999-2003 - Head of Kaunas Drama Theater. Laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize (1998).
4 d. 1557 Leonas Sapiega was born. Political figure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Grand Secretary of Lithuania (1580), Chancellor of Lithuania (1589–1623), Vilnius Voivodeship (since 1623), Grand Hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (since 1625), headed by the Third Statute of Lithuania (1588 m.).
4 d. 1919 The Council of State established the institution of the President of Lithuania and elected Antanas Smetonas as the first President. From September The president's place of work was the governor's palace in Kaunas. Smetona's first term as president lasted until 1920. June 19. 1920 The Provisional Constitution promulgated by the Constituent Seimas established the provision that the President shall be elected by the Seimas. Until the first sitting of the Seimas in 1922. At the end of the 19th century, Aleksandras Stulginskis, the Speaker of the Constituent Seimas, held the office of President.
7 d. 1882 Antanas Vienuolis-Žukauskas was born. Lithuanian writer prose writer, playwright, pharmacist, museologist, public figure. One of the most famous works is the short story „Paskenduolė“ ("Drowning" 1913).
8 d. 1928 Vytautas and Algimantas Nasvyčiai were born in. Architects. They designed the Seimas Palace (1981), the National Drama Theater (1981), the Neringa café (1959) and the Neringa Hotel (1960), and the Lietuva Hotel (1983) in Vilnius.
9 d. 1869 Juozas Naujalis was born. Lithuanian composer, organist, choir conductor, teacher. One of the pioneers of professional Lithuanian music.
9 d. 1921 Bronius Babkauskas was born. Actor. He has created more than 30 film roles, including the flagship films „Niekas nenorėjo mirti“ ("Nobody Wanted to Die") and „Velnio nuotaka“ ("The Devil's Bride").
9 d. 1922 Kazimieras Vasiliauskas was born. Lithuanian Catholic priest, participant in the resistance to the Soviet occupation regime, defender of believers' and civil rights. He was imprisoned in camps for almost 10 years. Monsignor (1989).
11 d. 1879 Jonas Biliūnas was born. Lithuanian writer. Author of the short stories "Kliudžiau" ("Clumsy"), "Brisiaus galas" ("The End of Brisius") (1906) and others, which have become classic works.
12 d. 1838 Stanislovas Išora was born. Priest, 1863–1864 revolt one of the commanders. He was the first participant in the uprising in 1863. June 3 publicly shot in Vilnius, Lukiškės Square. The remains were believed to have been buried on Gediminas Hill.
12 d. 1940 Gediminas Baravykas was born. Architect. According to his projects the following were built: in Vilnius - Marriage Palace (1974, with others), former cinema "Helios" (1977), National Gallery (with architect VAVielius, 1980), Church of Blessed George Matulaitis (with others) architects, 1989, built in 1996), in Anykščiai - Marriage Palace (1981), in Varėna - church (with architect R.Bakaitis, 1995).
13 d. 1871 Jurgis Matulaitis was born. Blessed of Lithuania and Bishop of Vilnius (1918–1925), Archbishop (1925–1927), restorer and reorganizer of the Marian monastery. Through his efforts, projects of the Vatican Concordat with Lithuania and the Lithuanian Ecclesiastical Province were prepared and validated.
13 d. 1890 Danielius Dolskis was born. Lithuanian singer, pioneer of interwar Lithuanian stage (hits). Among his most popular songs are "Lietuvaitė" ("Lithuanian Girl"), „Aš myliu vasaros rugiagėlę“ ("I love summer cornflower"), "Palangos jūroj" ("At the sea of Palanga"), „Onyte, einam su manim pašokti“ ("Onyte, let's go dance with me").
14-15 d. 1920 April 14-15 elections to the Constituent Seimas took place. This was the first general, secret ballot, direct election in Lithuania. They voted 90 percent. voters. 112 representatives were elected according to the proportional system: 59 belonged to the Christian Democratic Bloc, 29 to the Lithuanian Socialist People's Democratic Party and the Lithuanian Peasants' Union, 13 to the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, 10 seats were received by national minorities (Jews - 6, Poles - 3, Germans - 1), 1 - independent representative.
14 d. 1930 Vytautas Žalakevičius was born. Lithuanian film director, playwright. One of the most famous Lithuanian film directors. The most famous film is „Niekas nenorėjo mirti“ 〈"Nobody Wanted to Die)".
15 d. 1921 Algimantas Jonas Marcinkevičius was born. Cardiac surgeon, pioneer of cardiac surgery and organ transplantation in Lithuania. 1987 led the first heart transplant operation.
16 d. 1883 Augustinas Voldemaras was born. Lithuanian state figure, one of the founders of the Nationalists' Union. 1918 headed the first Cabinet of Ministers, was also the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and for some time the Minister of National Defense. He was a member of the government later on. Died in 1942. Vladimir prison in Russia.
17 d. 1388 Pope Urban VI officially recognized the christening of Lithuania. This meant the christening of the entire Lithuanian nation, although most of the population had not yet been baptized.
17 d. 1875 Petras Avižonis was born. Lithuanian ophthalmologist. His concern in the 1930s. The Eye Clinic was built in Kaunas and was its manager. For the founding congress of the Lithuanian Medical Association, he prepared the statutes of the association, founded the Lithuanian Ophthalmological Society, and wrote the first textbook on eye diseases in Lithuanian
17 d. 1906 Mečislovas Mackevičius was born. Lawyer and politician. 1941 was the Minister of Justice of the Lithuanian Provisional Government. 1943 strongly opposed the formation of the Lithuanian SS Legion, refused to sign the relevant decree, as a result of which he was imprisoned in the Stuthof concentration camp.
17 d. 1907 Jeronimas Kačinskas was born. Composer and conductor, pioneer of modernism in Lithuanian music, winner of the National Prize (1991).
17 d. 1910 Vladas Mikėnas was born. Chess Grandmaster, international category chess judge. Founded the Lithuanian Chess and Checkers Club. He has played five times at the World Chess Olympics.
18 d. it is believed that in 1600 Kazimieras Semenavičius was born. Military engineer and artillery. His book The Great Art of Artillery was the most important artillery work in Europe for a century and a half. In it, he first raised the idea of a multistage missile and missile artillery and provided drawings of a three-stage missile.
18 d. 1814 Eustachijus Tiškevičius was born. Historian, archaeologist and collector, pioneer of archeological science in Lithuania. On his initiative, the Vilnius Temporary Commission on Archeology and the Vilnius Museum of Antiquities were established - the first public museum in Lithuania.
18 d. 1882 Juozas Tūbelis was born. Political and public figure, head of the Government of Lithuania and the Bank of Lithuania, agricultural specialist, press officer.
19 d. 1918 The commission for the creation of the national flag formed by the Council of Lithuania (consisting of J.Basanavičius, T.Daugirdas and A.Žmuidzinavičius) announced that the national flag consists of three bands in equal proportions - red at the bottom, green in the middle and yellow at the top. The historical flag was also approved, on one side of which a white rider is depicted in a red field, on the other side - the pillars of Gediminas. Now it is the flag of the President of Lithuania
22 d. 1941 Algimantas Švėgžda was born. Lithuanian painter, pioneer of photorealistic art in Lithuania.
22 d. 1967 Loreta Asanavičiūtė was born. Defender of Lithuanian Freedom, victim of the January Thirteenth Aggression (1991).
23 d. 1720 Elijah Ben Salomon Zalman (Vilnius Gaon) was born. Jewish scholar. One of the most famous interpreters of the Talmud.
23 d. 1910 Henrikas Radauskas was born. Lithuanian poet, translator, first modernist, author of an exodus
23 d. 1918 Vytautas Kasiulis was born. Lithuanian diaspora artist. 2013 V.Kasiulis Art Museum has been opened in Vilnius.
23 d. 1922 The first official basketball match in Lithuania was played by men. It took place on 23 April 1922 when Lietuvos Fizinio Lavinimo Sąjunga (English: Lithuanian Physical Education Union) played a game against Kaunas team, winning 8–6. That day is regarded as the beginning of basketball in Lithuania.
24 d. 1806 Frydrichas Kuršaitis was born. Evangelical Lutheran priest and linguist of Lithuania Minor. The first described in detail the sounds and adverbs of the Lithuanian language, identified 4 accents of nouns. Considered one of the creators of the Lithuanian spelling
24 d. 1912 Marcė Katiliūtė was born. Graphics. Illustrations created for her I.Simonaitytė's novel "The Fate of Aukštjų Šimonių" in 1937. He won a gold medal at the World's Fair in Paris
25 d. 1913 Monika Mironaitė was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian theater actors. One of the best masters of the Lithuanian stage word.
25 d. 1921 Liudas Dambrauskas was born. Lithuanian resistance, chemist, publicist. Contributed to the establishment of the Central Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania (1943), imprisoned for more than 10 years. One of the founders (1993) and leaders of the Resistance Heritage Association Atmintis. Made 21 inventions with others.
25 d. 1944 Petras Cidzikas was born. One of the most famous figures of Lithuanian anti-Soviet resistance. On August 23, 1987, he and others held the first rally during the Soviet occupation in Vilnius, condemning the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
26 d. 1906 Kazys Laucius was born. Lithuanian lawyer, photographer, publicist, scout figure. Wrote the first Lithuanian photography textbook "Everyone can take photos" (1933.
27 d. 1792 Antanas Gelgaudas was born. 1830–1831 rebel commander, Lithuanian military officer, a general of the Polish-Lithuanian Army. Originated from the nobles of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
28 d. 1924 Donatas Banionis was born. One of the most famous Lithuanian theater, film and television actors, director. Laureate of the National Prize. He has created more than 100 theater and more than 80 film roles.
Source of information:
Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:
www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.
Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.