Interactive maps of the birthplace of famous people in Lithuania

Interactive maps of the birthplaces of the most prominent Lithuanian people have been created with the help of Google Maps. The source of information on the list of the most prominent Lithuanian people is the 2009 edition of the Science and Encyclopedia Publishing Center. The list of 100 most outstanding Lithuanian people compiled by the members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Publishing of Science and Encyclopedias was initiated in. Link: (Only in Lithuanian) Supplemented by other sources from the Internet.

These maps participate in the Lithuanian Cartography Society project 100 Lithuanian maps. Link

Information and photos are taken from the global Lithuanian encyclopedia website or Wikipedia website. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The most famous people of Lithuanian art and culture




Map of the birthplaces of Lithuanian public figures






Source of information:

Universal Lithuanian encyclopedia:

www.š - an interactive database of Lithuanian language, literature (culture) and Lithuanian history learning sources.

Wikipedia - Internet encyclopedia.