About the project

I am Viktoras Žvinys, I live in Vilnius. The idea to create such a project came from managing old publications found in my grandfather's homestead.

In an old German magazine I found a map of Germany (link here) with marked celebrities. I shared it on a social network and someone had a question about where famous people in Lithuania are. Then came the idea to create a map of the birthplaces of famous Lithuanian people.The source of information on the list of the most prominent Lithuanian people is the 2009 edition of the Science and Encyclopedia Publishing Center. The list of 100 most outstanding Lithuanian people compiled by the members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Publishing of Science and Encyclopedias was initiated in. Link: VLE-iskiliausiu-zmoniu-sarasas.pdf
When collecting information on the Internet, I mainly used the website of the Universal Lithuanian Encyclopedia and Wikipedia. Also other sources online. The famous Lithuanian people mentioned on this website are historical personalities, i. already dead.

This project includes:

    an interactive map of the birthplaces of famous Lithuanian cultural and artistic people
    an interactive map of the birthplaces of Lithuanian public figures
    Calendar of birthdays of Lithuanian famous people and important dates of Lithuania
    Memorial museums of famous people in Lithuania
    Photo gallery of my old publications related to Lithuania.

The list of famous Lithuanian people is not final, it will be filled in in the future. If you have suggestions or comments, write an e-mail. email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I hope you will find something new about famous people in Lithuania on this site, or you will remember what you forgot. This is an informative website designed to know, not forget and be proud of Lithuania's famous people.

Viktoras Žvinys